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"I can't do this no more."

"Don't be so dramatic Tae, we just sat down." Hoseok sighed, looking at the younger who already had a annoyed look on his face even though they didn't even start studying yet.

Yoongi, Jungkook and Jimin joining the two, on the lunch table staring at their books and notes to study some more.

It had been another week, only a few more days and they'd have their final exam.

"I'm gonna go fucking insane here.." Jungkook eventually sighed out, pushing the book away from himself and wrapping his arms around Yoongi who tried his best to ignore the younger to keep focusing on his notes.

"Kook.. Stop that. I wanna study." the cat boy spoke when Jungkook kept pushing him around as if to amuse himself by getting on Yoongis nerves.

"But I'm bored.. I know all that stuff, I don't need to study." Jungkook pouted, leaning even closer towards the smaller and eventually laying his head on Yoongis thighs.

"Fucking hell kook, I didn't know you're such a needy sucker for Yoongis attention." Jimin laughed, Jungkook slowly leaning back up to give the smaller a warning glare.

"I'm not needy, I'm bored you fuckhead."

"No need to curse at him now. He's just describing what he sees" Taehyung said and pet Jimins head.

"Describing what he sees? I see two dumbasses in front of me right now." Jungkook huffed, looking at Yoongi who put a finger over his mouth as if to say that Jungkook should be quiet. The taller leaning back down and closing his eyes to relax, Yoongi finally being able to study in peace.

Jungkook wasn't someone to usually be needy and attention seeking, but hell did he feel the need to keep getting Yoongis attention on him.

The smaller simply wasn't the touchy kind of guy unlike Jungkook, therefore the younger had some troubles getting what he wanted from the older.

At least Yoongi seemed to like hand holding. He was by now used to Jungkooks arm around his waist and the younger getting all over him like some kind of dog.

More than that the younger didn't get however, hell they still didn't kiss yet and it really was driving Jungkook crazy. Every time he tried to get the moment right, something went wrong or they ended up not even having time to meet up since Yoongi was busy with his usual chores and now also applying to some companies, while Jungkook was busy getting into the business of his father.
Additionally both of them had been studying a lot the past few weeks.

Twenty minutes and Jungkook opened his eyes, looking up at Yoongi who was still staring at his notes.

The taller slowly leant back up, letting out a sigh and taking one of Yoongis hands to hold it in both of his hands.

"Want a snack? I'll grab you something while getting myself some banana milk" Jungkook hummed, pushing a kiss on Yoongis hand before walking off.

"You really got him around your finger. I'm kinda amazed how well he listens to you." Taehyung spoke, Hoseok and Jimin immediately agreeing.

"He's really obsessed with you. I've never seen him like that before." Jimin stated, Yoongi putting his notes to the side to look at them.

"..he's really serious about me isn't he? I mean all that dating stuff and all that.."

"Huh?of course he is. Have you seen him? He's going fucking crazy over you Yoongi!" Hoseok now said, Yoongi moving a hand on the back of his own neck and leaning back.

"Still doesn't feel real.. It just seems so weird. First he's all mean and suddenly he confesses to me."

"understandable that you rejected him at first.. But he's really serious about you, you don't have to worry about that." Hoseok smiled, looking towards Taehyung and Jimin who could only nod.

"You should try it out yourself. I bet if you just give him just a bit more attention, he'd clinge onto you the whole day." Jimin whispered, leaning closer towards Yoongi and then pointing at Taehyung.

"Works with him as well."

"What works with me?" Taehyung now asked, looking up from his phone.

"Anything. You're looking amazing in anything Tae~ looking so handsome today." Jimin smiled, leaning back to put his attention back on Taehyung.

A kiss on Taehyungs cheek, holding onto his arm and a small cute smile, and there Yoongi had his example, Taehyung clinging onto Jimin like crazy and his full attention now on the smaller.

Was this what he wanted?
Jungkook clinging onto him?
Not really.
Of course it was kinda cute how the younger was trying to get his attention but it also was kinda annoying when Jungkook took it too far and kept getting too close to Yoongi.

"Here Kitten." A pack of crisps being pushes in his hands, Jungkook sipping his banana milk as he sat down.

Yoongi could only stare at the small package in his hands, Jungkook slowly leaning forward to take the bag out of his hands and open it before again putting it in Yoongis hands.

"So for how long do you guys wanna study? I have to go at 5pm" Jungkook said, leaning against Yoongi, Hoseok shrugging his shoulders.

"I guess we could all leave at 5pm." Taehyung suggested, most of them just nodding their heads.

5pm, most of them leaving, Jungkook holding Yoongis hand tightly while walking out of the building.

"Want me to bring you home?"

"Don't you have to go now?" Yoongi asked, not wanting Jungkook to be late to whatever he had to attend.

"I still got a few minutes left.. I'll bring you home." Jungkook decided, walking towards his car and not even letting Yoongi say anything against it.

Music quietly playing, Jungkook humming along as he drove and Yoongi who peacefully watched the scenery.

"Hey.. Kitten let's go on another date after our finals."

"Another date?.. Okay, you get to choose this time but no fancy dinners!" Yoongi agreed, Jungkook smiling a bit more and moving one of his hands on Yoongis thighs

"Great! I'll think of something amazing!"

Car stopping, Yoongi about to go out only for Jungkook to quickly lock the door, Yoongi looking a bit confused towards Jungkook.

"What..? Jungkook why did you lock the door?"

"Can't I get a nice goodbye for once kitten~?" Jungkook asked, leaning towards Yoongi with a small grin.

The smaller only stared at the bunny boy for a second, having to widen his eyes when kook grabbed his chin and looked a bit expectantly at him.

Soft, rosy, so pretty.
Jungkook just wanted to finally smash his lips on Yoongis, slowly leaning in without saying a word and just a inch missing-

When the darn sound of someone calling Jungkook made them both turn their heads to look at the caller ID on the display.

"Ohhhh FUCK ME! Why now!?" Jungkook groaned pretty annoyed, as he saw that it was his father who called, the taller unlocking the doors again, picking up the call and letting out a small dissapointed yet satisfied sigh when Yoongi pushed another kiss on his cheek before leaving to not disturb the youngers call.

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