
1.9K 109 5

"Okay.. You're ready?"

"Not really, but fuck it" Taehyung laughed, Hoseok and Jimin repeating some stuff between each other and Jungkook checking on both Taehyung and Yoongi.

"Alright.. Just keep chill guys. This exam is gonna be over in an few hours." Jungkook mumbled leaning back to keep calm just like Hoseok.

Another minute, Jungkook sitting quietly on his desk and trying to focus, only for his eyes to move down on his desk where a small box of banana milk was put down by none other than Min Yoongi.

A small smile on Jungkooks lips, about to say something when one of the professors told everyone to be quiet, papers getting handed out and the timer being set.


"Relax Tae! I'm sure you're getting through. We studied a lot! I'm sure you're gonna score well" Jimin reassured, holding the tallers hand as they all stood outside of the classroom, Jungkook, Yoongi and Hoseok all leaning against the wall looking pretty much done with their lives.

"..how about we all go out to eat something?" Hoseok asked out of nowhere, Taehyung being pulled towards them by Jimin.

"That's a good idea! Some food is gonna cheer you up Tae!"

They quietly made their way outside, only for Yoongi to be stopped by Namjoon who out of nowhere hugged the smaller with a big happy smile on his lips.

Yoongi looked overly confused, Jungkook staring at the two a bit intense until Namjoon finally let the smaller go again.

"Joon what even-"

"We're finally done! I'm so excited, Now we can just relax and no more stress Yoongs! Isn't that amazing!?"

"Yeah yeah Joon it is" Yoongi chuckled a little, patting the tallers back before feeling two arms around his waist, already knowing that it was Jungkook and not really that surprised by it.

"Are you all going somewhere?"

"Mhm.. We wanted to go out to eat." Jungkook answered, putting his head on Yoongis shoulder and then looking behind Namjoon to see Jin walking towards them.

"Namjoon don't just leave me alone! There-oh do you guys go somewhere?"

"They're gonna go out to eat" Namjoon answered, looking back at Jin who moved besides him and put an arm around Namjoons shoulder, Namjoon doing the same to jin, still a bit hyper that they were finally done with their final exam.

"Wanna join us?" Hoseok asked, Jin and Namjoon looking at each other before agreeing.

"Jungkook I think you had enough." Yoongi said, grabbing the glass to take it from Jungkook, the younger furrowing his eyebrows and shaking his head.

"No no! You don't understand, I'm not.. Not done yet.. Wait.. Jiminie where did my glass go!?"

"Pffft! You're so stupid kook!" Jimin laughed, leaning against the younger and slapping his thigh, both of them ending up slapping each other and laughing like crazy while Hoseok sat quietly in the corner and just watched, Taehyung was still eating and casually fed jimin and then there was Namjoon and Jin who both flirted with each other though didn't really go any further than that.

Another hour and Jungkook was dragged outside by Yoongi and Hoseok, Taehyung taking care of Jimin and Jin and Namjoon luckily not being drunk and getting home on their own.

"Should we call an uber?" Hoseok asked, Yoongi shrugging his shoulders.

"That'd be the best idea."

An uber later, Yoongi sitting with Jungkook inside the car and after paying dragging the taller with him towards Jungkooks door.

"Jungkook open the door"

".. The door? It's closed."

"I see that! I want you to open it. Do you have a key or something?" Yoongi asked, trying to ignore how Jungkook was staring at him with a big grin and kept leaning closer.

"Nope~ One kiss and I'll open it!"

The cat boy stared at Jungkook, putting his hands on the males cheeks, the taller leaning in only for Yoongi to give his cheeks a small slap.

"Forget it! If you don't open it I'll just go and leave you outside here!" Yoongi warned, Jungkook looking a bit dumbfounded and turning around to put in the code to open the door.

"There! It's open! Open door means I get my kiss!"

Yoongi however only walked inside and pulled Jungkook with him, looking around and going upstairs towards the bedroom, pushing the taller down on the bed who had a big smirk on his lips as if expecting something to happen.

"uhh~ are we gonna kiss and-"

"No kook. Try to sleep, I'm gonna go home now. You-"

"NO! Don't go home! Stay here kitty!"

Yoongi looked absolutely done at the taller, not really listening and turning around to walk out of the door, not expecting Jungkook to suddenly jump up and throw himself onto him, nearly falling.



"Jungkook! Get off or-"

"OR OR OR WHAT !? I'm just gonna keep my arms around you! And you can do nothing about it hello kitty!"

A small sigh, Yoongi about to say something when Jungkook picked him up and put him down on the bed, wrapping his arms tightly around him not letting the smaller go.

"Jungkook come on.. Let me go now." Yoongi mumbled, trying to get out of the youngers grip, eventually stopping moving when Jungkook kept cuddling closer onto him.

"You're really not gonna let go hm..?" Yoongi asked quietly, moving his hand on Jungkooks back to rub it.

Jungkook shaking his head and pushing his head further against Yoongis neck, eyes closed.

By now Yoongi could only accept that he had to stay there. Jungkook being calm and about to fall asleep really made Yoongi just as sleepy anyways.

Comfortable warm, cozy and hell did Jungkooks cologne smell good, mixed with the smell of the food they ate that evening.

Slowly opening his eyes, his head feeling like it was gonna explode any second, feeling honestly just horrible until the male noticed the small sleeping cat like boy who was cuddled up against him.

Damn did Jungkook feel like throwing up, but at the same time he felt so damn happy and just wanted to appreciate this moment where he got to witness Yoongi so peaceful and close towards him.

His heart literally was beating like crazy when he stared at the smaller, hands moving on the males waist before wrapping his arms once again tightly around the sleeping male, knowing damn well that he hadn't had much time before he would storm off into the bathroom.

Yoongi slowly stirring awake, opening his eyes only to then watch half asleep how Jungkook rushed towards the bathroom, probably to throw up.

Rubbing his eyes, slowly standing up and moving towards the bathroom to open the door and lean down to the taller to rub his back.

"I'm gonna make you some soup later big boy. You really drank a lot yesterday."

".. That.. Perhaps.. Wasn't that smart." Jungkook mumbled, after a few minutes standing back up and laying back down in his bed.

It wasn't smart. Yet Yoongi kept the mean comments in his head, wanting to focus on the youngers health.
Getting some water, cooking soup, lots of hand holding and cuddles that Jungkook requested as if that would magically cure his fucked up head.

Yoongi had to admit, he didn't dislike it that much.
Small naps and eventually having to leave Jungkook when he felt kinda fine again.

Bully/ YoonkookNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ