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The weekend was calm, at least it started calm.

When Yoongi wanted to go shopping it all changed.

He was just casually walking from store to store searching for something that was worth buying, a bag in his hands and about to walk into an other clothes store when he heard a voice that he knew just too well.

"Kitten, seeing you outside? Going shopping as well?"

Jungkook walked towards the male, sunglasses on, a big smirk on his lips and behind him an guy who held dozens of different bags.

That guy seriously had money if he bought that many things and even let someone carry it for him.

"I'm.. Just-"

"Join me" Was all Jungkook said, moving an arm around Yoongis shoulder and pulling the smaller with him towards an rather expensive store.

Yoongi just followed Jungkook, the taller looking through the store and picking a few things he liked, eventually looking towards Yoongi who stood in silence at the same spot since the beginning.

Jungkook was about to say something when he realized something that only irritated him more.
He wanted his peaceful lifestyle back without Yoongi, yet here he was and kept pulling the smaller with him as if he actually owned him and kept including him in his life.

He watched the smaller who kept clinching onto the bag in his hands, not moving or doing anything as if he didn't belong in this store.

What the hell was he doing at this point? He wasn't too sure about it himself.

He literally felt like he was braindead whenever he looked at Yoongi.
Feeling so upset as he thought of their past yet so incredible guilty at the now so soft and innocent looking boy.
Like a damn roller-coaster of emotions.

"Hey.. Yoongi let's go and eat something."

Yoongi widened his eyes, not having expected for Jungkook to suddenly call him by his name and not by his surname or his nickname.

He simply followed, the taller, making his way out of the store, both ending up sitting on an table, Yoongi looking around as if trying to figure out why Jungkook let him join him and completely ignoring the stare of the bunny boy.

Neither of them said a thing.
The guy who carried the bags ordered them something to eat, Jungkook starting to eat once the food arrived whilst Yoongi looked a bit unsure at the food.

".. Eat.. I didn't poison it." Jungkook said with a small sight, only for Yoongi to shake his head.

"No no that's not it.. You.. I don't really understand what's happening right now." Yoongi explained, looking back down at the food and poking around in it, not really that hungry.

If Jungkook had been honest, he could only agree to what Yoongi said.
He had absolutely no clue either.
Here he was alone with the smaller and acted like a completely different person.
Even buying Yoongi food and treating him like an normal human being, even like you'd treat an friend.

"I.. Well.. This is an exception right now. Enjoy it as long as you can, because I'm gonna fuck you up on Monday."

Yoongi looked back at Jungkook, his head tilting a bit to the side in confusion.
His logical brain just couldn't figure out what exactly Jungkook got out of this.
Treating him normal on the weekend but being a bully once back in class.

"Jungkook.. I'm sorry but I can't really follow you. Explain what the hell you're getting out of suddenly treating me like this?.. Do you wanna confuse me? Or do you intend something else?" Yoongi asked, putting his chopsticks down, watching how Jungkook swallowed his food and kept poking around in it for a moment before also putting his chopsticks down and sighting out.

"I said enjoy this.. Do you really have to question everything? Do you want me to be mean to you again? I can do that if you prefer me like that!" Jungkook said as if warning Yoongi, the smaller quickly shutting up and starting to eat.

They really didn't speak a word. Jungkook just kept watching the smaller and not even noticing himself how he started to smile as he watched Yoongi enjoy the food.

In those 15 minutes they sat there, Jungkook not once made a mean comment, too invested to take in every small feature of Yoongi.

Different thoughts filling his mind as he kept his eyes on his victim.
He felt so satisfied sitting there with Yoongi and spending time with him, the thought of spending more time with him came up, the thought of buying the smaller endless of things, spoiling him and making his eyes lit up and widen in amazement and pure joy.
Gosh did Jungkook like that thought but he quickly shook it out if his head and tried to think of something else.

Walking with Yoongi besides him through the mall, making sure to not stare too much even though he absolutely adored how Yoongi kept looking around like a curious cat.

"I think I'll go home now.. Have fun shopping." Jungkook said eventually, looking at the smaller and quickly walking in another direction.

He felt like he was gonna go crazy the more he looked at the smaller.

Yoongi meanwhile was a bit lost, standing frozen in spot as he watched Jungkook casually walk away.

This guy really confused Yoongi.
He knew Jungkook could be nice and sweet but the way how moody Jungkook was simply threw Yoongi off.

He just didn't understand how he should be able to like or dislike Jungkook if he kept changing his attitude towards him.

The whole weekend Yoongi thought about Jungkooks possible change of attitude, yet there wasn't a single solution or explanation for his behavior.

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