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"No no I'm gonna do this alone."

"Alone? But I already was ready to see-" Taehyung however got cut off by the sound of the door slamming shut.

"Let's just wait until he's done.." Hoseok said and crossed his arms leaning against the wall.

A small cute giggle as he was being dropped down on the soft bed, not even looking up at Jungkook who had an intense stare at him.

"You're so damn stupid.. How can you trust me so damn easily? I literally bully you and you get drunk.. You're so naive it's pathetic" Jungkook sighted out, moving on top of Yoongi who at this point looked like he wasn't even mentally present anymore.

Hands moving to the males shirt, opening each button slowly and staring down at the smooth and pale skin of the smaller.

Jungkook could only stare for an second as if completely mesmerized by the seight, though quickly catched himself slipping and shook his head pinching his own cheek.

"Gosh.. Fucking focus Jungkook.." He mumbled to himself, moving his hand down to his pants to pick his phone out of his pocket.

Again focusing on Yoongi and his pants, Jungkook carefully opened the boys pants pulling them down while hardly biting in his inner cheek, hand for a moment moving on the boys small waist only to quickly let go again and grab his phone.

He opened the camera, simply staring at Yoongi, hand moving towards his boxershorts.

He just kept his hand on the hem for an whole minute, just staring at Yoongi without saying a single word.

".. Kook.. I'm so.. So tired.." it was a barely audible mumble, yet Jungkook could only stare up at Yoongi who was pushing his face towards one of his pillows with a small pout on his lips.

Yoongi was so naive, fully trusting Jungkook and getting drunk around him. So stupid, but at the same time Kook felt so damn ridiculously happy that Yoongi was trusting him that much, to the point where he just couldn't bring himself to actually do what he had planned all along.

".. The fuck am I doing here..?" Jungkook questioned himself, putting his phone back in his pocket and standing up, pushing one of his hands in distress through his hair.

He literally was about to fuck Yoongis life completely up. He could get his sweet revenge, he could so easily get what he wanted, yet it felt so incredible wrong.

He was upset again, he wasn't sure why though.
Now he had the chance and his stupid brain told him it was wrong and he shouldn't do this.

A quick glance towards Yoongi who by now was probably sleeping and biting deep in his bottom lip before he stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him and ignoring Taehyung and Hoseok who watched a bit confused.

"Hey Jungkook wait! What are you doing?" Taehyung asked, only for the male to start screaming around.


"Yo dude what's wrong?" Hoseok asked, putting a hand on Jungkooks shoulder.

".. I can't do it."

Taehyung and Hoseok looked at each other as if completely in disbelief.

"You.. Can't do it? You planned this for one week and threw this party only to now say that you can't do it?" Hoseok asked a bit irritated, Jungkook saying not a single thing in response and instead pushing some people out of his house.

"I can do it if you-" Taehyung started only for Jungkook to glare at him.

"Don't you fucking dare Kim Taehyung"

"Alright alright.. Chill" Taehyung said sitting down on the couch and throwing some plastic cups to the side.

"Why is everyone gone!? What happened?" Jimin asked who just returned from the bathroom, looking at the three.

"Jungkook is being a pussy" Taehyung mumbled only for Jungkook to smack his arm


"What..?" Jimin asked still confused, Hoseok letting out a sight and sitting down as well.

"He doesn't feel cabable of taking those pictures of Yoongi."

".. Huh..? Are you fucking kidding me? You did all this only to-" Jimin started though Jungkook cut him off.

" fuck off jimin! I'm not gonna do this.. I'll just.. Do other stuff instead! Not sure what yet but I'll just do something else."Jungkook spoke and then kicked around some of the cups.

"I'll bring him home.. And that's it for today." Jungkook mumbled, rubbing his temples and walking upstairs without the three.

Careful touches, putting back on Yoongis clothes and ignoring a few grumbles from the smaller who nearly woke up sometimes.

Why was he feeling so damn furious? Why did he feel so much shame about what he had done?
Why was he again so fucking angry?

He kept asking himself the same questions as he dropped Yoongi off at his place. Luckily he found the key in one of his pockets.

Yoongi meanwhile only could wake up extremely confused when he suddenly woke up back home in his own bed.

Jungkook meanwhile had been awake the whole night to clean up the mess, not really able to sleep.

He could only think of what he had done. Well what he nearly had done.

The thought of it drove him insane.
How did he even come up with such a stupid idea?

He only could feel ashamed, though what also kept lingering in his head was the image of a nearly naked Yoongi on his bed.
His smooth pale skin, his small frame that Jungkook could lift so easily and move around like he wanted and those cute pouty lips that would fit so nicely onto his own.

Monday was awkward.
Not only did Jungkook feel weird when he looked at the smaller but he didn't really feel like getting on the smallers nerves that day.
He just avoided him, playing it off as if he was busy to his friends.

He really needed that day to collect himself.
Yoongi was kinda confused, first Jungkook was nice to him, a whole day without bullying and just the teasing of his friends.

Perhaps the bullying did finally end?

It didn't.

In fact just a day after and Jungkook was his usual self, getting on Yoongis nerves, pushing the smaller around like a pet.

It was even more confusing to Yoongi.
First being nice and now again back to being a asshole.

What did change though was how Jungkook instead of his surname now called him more often 'kitten'

A weird thing to Yoongi, though he couldn't really say anything against it since he knew damn well how Jungkook would react to that.

A typical Friday, sitting on the ground when suddenly his head was lifted by Jungkook who had a tight grip on his chin.

"What..?" Yoongi asked as if confused by Jungkooks action, the taller just staring at Yoongi without saying a word and moving his thumb over the boys lips before he got distracted by Taehyung who nudged his shoulder.

Hell was Jungkook drawn to those lips.
He really just wanted to smash his own against yoongis. It didn't make much sense to him why he wanted to do that however, he still felt a hatred towards the male after all.

Bully/ YoonkookOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz