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"Does my ass look fat?"

"Your ass is fat"

"UH-RUDE" Jimin huffed, looking at Hoseok who could only smile at his mean remark.

"Your own fault for asking me." Hoseok shrugged, Taehyung letting out a small bored sight.

"Where's Jungkook anyways? He texted me that he was gonna walk to class alone today." Jimin asked, looking at the two, neither of them having an answer.

"What did I tell you?"

".. Hey.. ANSWER ME MIN!"

Yoongi looked up at Jungkook, the taller standing above Yoongi who again was on the ground, leaning against the wall and trying to remain calm.

He just arrived and met Jungkook near the entrance.
Bad luck.

".. They didn't sell it.. "

".. What do you mean they didn't sell it? They always sell my favorite brand! I fucking told you to get me that stuff before class, you're such an useless piece of shit.." Jungkook said pretty annoyed that he now couldn't have his favorite banana milk in class.

"Fucking get up" Jungkook said, looking down at Yoongi who slowly got up, moving an hand on the males back and pushing him forwards to walk towards class.

Yoongi sat on his usual seat, Jimin and Taehyung throwing some pieces of paper on him and trying to annoy him while Hoseok and Jungkook argued over something they had seen on YouTube.

A few hours of class and then lunch break.

As usual Jungkook was about to drag Yoongi with him, only to be stopped in the hallway by someone he rarely spoke to.

Kim Seokjin.
He was known around school for his looks.
He wasn't specifically a top student, but his looks alone was enough to make him popular amongst boys and girls.

"What do you want?"Jungkook asked, Jin looking at Yoongi before looking back at Jungkook.

"I have to talk to him. Min yoongi. Now if you'd excuse me it's pretty important." Jin said, moving a hand on Yoongis shoulder and carefully pulling the male with him away from the four.

Yoongi just followed honestly not minding that he was away from them even though a complete stranger just lead him somewhere.

The taller opened a door to an classroom, quickly going inside and closing the door behind them, the small smile on jins lips immediately dropping once alone and crossing his arms as he leant against one of the desks staring at Yoongi.

"..who exactly are you again? Can I help you somehow?" Yoongi asked a bit unsure what that guy even wanted.

He never had seen him before and based on jins glare he knew that something must be off.

"help me?.. How about this, stay the fuck away from Namjoon. Just because you're a fucking whore it doesn't give you the right to openly flirt with him and try to seduce him."

That guy was being serious.
Yoongi just stared at him blankly, not saying anything as he processed what the fuck was just said.

"..Excuse me..? "

"You understood me right! You fucking bitch stay the fuck away from him. If you dare to fucking ever touch him, ever just think about doing anything with him, I'll rip your head off." Jin said dead serious, moving towards Yoongi and pushing him roughly back, the smaller stumbling back and luckily not falling.

"I'm not interested in him! Not even in the slightest I swear. We're just friends nothing else-"

"I won't repeat what I just said. You either stay away from him or I'll make you regret it"

After that Jin just walked out, Yoongi being left alone and not sure what to do now.

First Jungkook and now this random dude who threatened him.

This day just kept getting better.

"Hey Yoongi! How about we hangout again today, I was thinking of going to this-"

"I'm busy today sorry Joon" Yoongi said as he walked back through the hallway, really trying to avoid the other.

Namjoon let out a understanding hum, watching Yoongi quickly walk away.

The next few days the exact same, Namjoon trying to hangout with Yoongi only to be dissapointed.

Lunch break. The perfect time to talk.
And that's what Namjoon tried to do, though Yoongi kept trying to avoid him and Jungkook and his friends literally being like a wall between them didn't help.

"Yoongi wait a second!" Namjoon eventually said grabbing Yoongis hand and pulling the male away from the group.

"Hey hey no Joon let go. I'm not-"

"Let's talk. I'm sorry but this is getting on my nerves." Namjoon apologized simply pulling Yoongi with him, not even letting Jungkook or his group do anything about it.

Now Yoongi and him stood inside an empty hallway, Namjoon looking at Yoongi and trying to get some answers out of him.

"Why do you avoid me?"

"I'm not avoiding you.."

"You are! If you aren't let's hangout today"

"But I-"

"See! You are avoiding me!"

"No Namjoon listen.. You're a good guy a really nice guy actually but I don't think that.. We're.. Well.. I mean i think that this.. Eh.."
He tried to think of an excuse, though he wasn't sure what exactly he could say and Joon seemed to notice that.

Two hands on his cheeks and Yoongi looked straight at Namjoon, the male staring at him as if inspecting Yoongi and trying to understand what the male was trying to do.

"Yoongi.. Let's just hangout today. At my place okay? 4pm, I'll text you" Namjoon said, smiling a bit and giving Yoongis cheeks a squish before just walking off as if the problem was solved.

He was definitely fucked.
He didn't wanna dissapointed namjoon.
Heck the boy seemed like his life depended on their friendship.

So there he was. At Namjoons, talking, watching a movie and hanging out like normal friends would.

It was nice for the moment, but the next day he definitely would regret it.
He somehow had seen it coming already.

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