What Is This Place?

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'OH MY GOD I'M A DRAGON, HOW DID THIS HAPPEN, THIS MAKES NO SENSE, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!'  Daniel had about 30 questions running through his mind per second and all of them didn't have a realistic answer.

'Okay let's just try to figure this out and calm down' He thought to himself. It worked to a point but on half of his brain was still running in a panic.

"alright, so last thing I remember was being thrown towards a book??" Daniel thought out loud.  "what the hell was that anyway? One second I'm in my room in the middle of the night and the next I'm stuck in the centre of a boiling desert, been turned into a dragon, and have no apparent way back home. Yeah, I think it's safe to say that I'M COMPLETELY SCREWED, NO QUESTION ABOUT IT.

He let out a sigh 'well, might as well get a move on... nothing's going to happen from just standing here' He thought. "but which way? It all looks the same. Daniel looked around. "let's just take a gamble I guess."

Daniel soon began his trip across the desert dunes. He had no idea where he was going but it was better then not going anywhere at all. 'maybe I can find someone else to tell me where I am' he thought with the tulle hope that there was someone or something else out here in the burning wasteland. Learning to walk on all four limbs was a bit difficult to say the least. Daniel struggled to keep his balance on his front legs when walking but he got the hang of it eventually. He was still working on the running and flying bit but at least he was able travel somehow. Flying wasn't an option as it was lot harder then it seemed as Daniel just wasn't able to beat his wings together and ultimately kept falling over.

Being unable to fly and only travelling on foot was taking its toll on him as it wasn't long before her began to dehydrate.
'need water...' he thought desperately.

He could feel his mind beginning to blackout. His vision was wobbly but he thought he saw something in the distance. It looked like another dragon however instead of being red and orange like Daniel. He was a pale yellow and had a scorpion like barbed tail. 'ha, kind of looks like a Sandwing...'
and that's the last thing he thought before his body gave up and collapsed on the hot desert ground.

The world was dark, nothing to be seen except his own scales. And a faint light that surrounded him.

"Hello..?" Daniel called out to the darkness. No response. "Hello can anyone hear me!" this time he called out louder.

Still no response. He was All alone, he started to walk around in the what seemed to be endless space. Constantly calling out for anyone. But nobody came, no one was there to save him from this nightmare.

Suddenly the room started to fill with water, as he tried to swim he realised that is left ankle was shackled to the floor. A dark black tentacle wrapped around it, rooting him to the floor.
There was nothing he could do.

Pulling and tugging on the supernatural restraints did nothing to free him. And scratching them with his newly found claws did nothing as they passed right through the dark matter.

The water was up to his chest now slowly but surely making its way up his neck. It truly seemed like this was the end.

'hah... Dying by drowning... What a way to go...'
Daniel had given up hope the water surpassed his airways and he tried to stay calm... Hoping by some miracle he could survive.

However... he heard a voice, in the distance a soft female voice could be heard.

When darkness falls one will rise,

One fast enough to rule the skies.

A golden glow shines through the lines,

Transported: A Wings of Fire storyWhere stories live. Discover now