The Consequences Of Your Actions

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There was a scream from down below which immediately caught everyone's attention.
Daniel whipped his head downward to see what the commotion was.

Down in the empty flat savanna, were two dragons.
One Silkwing, and one Hivewing.
The Hivewing had a spear like weapon in their talon as they approached the Silkwing who at the current moment was on the floor.

The Hivewing stood over the Silkwing who had a terrified expression on thier face.
"Please! Leave me alone!"
It was enough for Daniel to pick up on the fact that they were female.

The Hivewing growled.
"No chance! Now hand it over!"
It was a male voice this time, and an angry one at that.

The Silkwing shuffled backwards in an attempt to gain some distance but it was futile.
The Hivewing placed the tip of the spear against the throat of the Silkwing.

Daniel had seen enough though and without warning proceeded to dive at a blazing speed towards the aggressive Hivewing.

Before any of his friends could stop him, or even before anyone could say another word, Daniel swooped down and tackled the armed Hivewing to the ground.
The weapon flew out of the Hivewing's talon and lodged itself into the grass.

Daniel's sudden actions took everyone by surprise, but more noticeably the Silkwing who stared in bewilderment and awe.

The Hivewing grunted painfully as he hit the ground.
He stared up at Daniel with deadly eyes.
"Who are you!?" He Demanded.

"That's none of your concern" Daniel responded.
"But what is of my concern is what you were about to do to that poor Silkwing over there"

The Hivewing growled angrily, trying to get up but Daniel pinned him down well which caused him to snarl.
"Why do you care anyways!? You a friend of hers?!"

Daniel rolled his eyes, disregarding every word the Hivewing said.
"Sorry, didn't hear you" He said cockily.

The Hivewing glared at Daniel and tried to attack him with the stingers at the end of his wrists but luckily Daniel saw it and was able to quickly redirect them into the grass.

The Hivewing took this opportunity to break free from Daniel's grasp and swiftly shuffle backwards into an upright position.

Unfortunately for the Hivewing, the rest of the group landed behind Daniel a few moments later.

The Hivewing growled angrily upon realised he was outnumbered.
"The queen will hear of this" He said in a dark tone before picking up his spear and talking off into the air.

Daniel watched him fly off towards the mid morning sun, on his way to one of the massive hives in the distance.
He rolled his eyes before looking back towards the group.

Peril shot him a look.
"What in the moons were you thinking!? Are you out of your mind!?"

"What!? Did you just expect me to sit there and let him do what he was going to do?!" Daniel said somewhat angrily in response.

"That's not the point!" Peril said.
"Aren't we supposed to be stealthy? Isn't that what these are for?" She gestured to the cloak she was wearing.

"Well... Yeah.." Daniel responded in an awkward tone, finally starting to connect the dots.

Peril nodded.
"Well then please explain to me how what you just did was 'stealthy'" She made sarcastic claw gestures at the word 'stealthy.'

Daniel groaned.
"Okay okay! I see your point, but even so I can't just let whatever it was that he was going to do happen!"

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