Prologue: A Change in Scenery.

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[Ashland, Oregon. Friday,
November 17, 2015.]

Moving to Oregon was not an easy decision. Y/n's father, or, more accurately, her adoptive father, was sending her to a new school in another town this year, but that didn't bother her too much. Not one to have many friends or any semblance of social life, the h/c-haired girl — 17 — mostly kept to herself. She would spend most days reading or playing video games, and she was more or less content with things.

Another reason for the move was that David Kelly had not taken the fact that his wife left him well. He didn't need to take such drastic measures, which Y/n has pointed out time and time again, but he insisted on the decision. However, the soon-to-be adult soon perked up when she spotted a rambling old Queen Anne-style house with tacked-on outside stairs in the near distance. Her new home.

The sky is a damp, grey sponge, giving the building a bland yet ominous look. Y/n's optics then shifted to the side when she sees a sign in the foreground that read "Pink Palace, Apartment for Rent". David had told her beforehand that there are a total of four apartments, three of which are occupied. Before her train of thought could come to a complete stop, Y/n felt the deceleration of the car as it slowed to a halt.

That's her cue to get out.

Hesitantly exiting from the vehicle, Y/n advanced toward the Pink Palace but was promptly stopped when the passenger's side door swung open. Her adoptive older brother stepped out. "Watch where you're going, fucktard." He, Michael, muttered from under his breath.

He is of African descent and is precisely nineteen years old, going on twenty in a few days. He has a dark complexion with dreadlock hair and deep dark brown eyes. Michael donned a calm yet serious look on his face and also seems physically fit due to his training since he used to play an assortment of sports when he was still attending high school.

He was his school's titular super-athlete who participated in wrestling, basketball, volleyball, track & field, and even tennis from time to time.

Noticing his younger sister staring at him, "Maybe you should take a picture. It'll last longer." Michael coldly suggests with a scowl before, inevitably, putting in his earbuds.

She could hear the not-so-muffled music blaring from them. Y/n was more than aware of how loud music can damage your ears before you know it, causing permanent hearing loss and tinnitus — ringing or buzzing in one's ears. Michael is a major risk for both but he didn't care. Better to lose his hearing than to have to listen to his family, as he would put it.

He was always listening to music but Y/n wasn't one to harsh his mellow. However, it didn't mean that it was any less sad to see him like this. "Sorry." The h/c-haired girl apologized as she chewed the bottom part of her lip.

"Whatever." Michael waved her off, stuffed his hands in his pockets, and walked toward the Pink Palace to scope out where he will be living for the next few years or so.

With a heavy sigh, Y/n continued her way toward the house. She weaved through the grotesque and muddy driveway, being careful to not have her shoes come in contact with the grime that seeped through the stones. And while the teenager was preoccupied with this, she was being watched.

With a click, a close-up lens is rotated into place to better see the girl. Just then, a mangy black cat walks right in front of the lens and looks at the spy with concern.

"Dude, what the hell?! Watch where you're going." Y/n had accidentally rammed into her older brother. She was like a bull in a china shop.

The sudden shout caused the cat to race up a tree and out a branch towards the front door to investigate. Not as scared as their feline friend, the spy instead cocks their head to the side when they come to find out that the new tenant has h/c hair and a disheartened yet sceptical face.

Feeling a set of eyes on her, Y/n glances furtively over her shoulder, then walks up the steps and moves into the house. I guess this is my new life now, she thought.


for those who are wondering, this is the face reference for y/n's (nonbiological) brother:

- of course, if you had a different picture in mind or don't like this reference for the character all that much, feel free to ignore this and continue with your perception of him! <33

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- of course, if you had a different picture in mind or don't like this reference for the character all that much, feel free to ignore this and continue with your perception of him! <33

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