Twelve: A Bittersweet Return Home.

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[Ashland, Oregon. Monday,
November 20, 2015.]

Early in the morning — roughly around seven this time around — Y/n once again wakes in her own bed in the real world, the little doll which was originally left on the chair was now clutched against her chest. "Ugh..." she groaned. "How did you get here?" Her gaze moves from the doll to where she left the cheese by the door.

It's gone. This is much too confusing.

Y/n returns to the living room where she tries the strange door in the corner wall. It's locked. What the heck? "Hey, David," she called out and made her way to the kitchen. As expected, her adoptive father was there. "Did you lock the door in the living room?" She chose to be direct.

"Yeah." He replied.

"Why?" Y/n raised a brow, wanting an immediate explanation for his strange behaviour as of late. It was first grounding her, then forbidding her from ever talking to Wybie Lovat again, and now this? It was outrageously unfair.

"Oh, I found some rat crap," David answered with his back still facing his nonbiological daughter. "I don't know. I just thought you'd feel... safer." He added. He didn't want either Y/n or Michael to worry about a potential pest issue in their new home.

"Yeah. I'm going to stop you right there." Y/n said with a scowl. "It's probably from the jumping mice but, even then, they're not dangerous," she defended the crazy old man upstairs. "And Wybie isn't dangerous either." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Why are you talking about him?" David turned around to finally face his daughter. "I thought we were talking about the blocked-off door."

"Hanging out with Wybie is the most fun I've had since we moved here." Y/n pointed out the obvious.

"Your school might be fun," David said, trying to get the h/c-haired girl to talk about something else that didn't concern their odd neighbour that is Wybie.

Right. School is starting in a few weeks, Y/n bitterly reminded herself. She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, no," she shot down the idea. "Not when I'm going to be the new kid in school. I'll have to go through all the effort of new friends but who knows: maybe we'll just move again." She said, passive-aggressively. 

"Don't use that tone with me," David warned.

"Or what?" Y/n challenged her adoptive father's better nature. "Are you going to ground me? Oh, wait, you already did that!" She said, sarcastically.

"Hey—" David tried to defend himself but his efforts were fruitless. The teenager got a hold of him, not wanting to allow him to talk since Y/n knew that she would get her ass handed to her. She just had to keep reprimanding her adoptive father for his reckless decisions. She and Michael didn't deserve to be ripped away from their home state. They were born and raised there.

"You're so selfish," Y/n resumed with her rant. "We didn't need to move. You just couldn't accept the fact mom left you for—" before she could continue with her insult, she was interrupted by the man of the house.

"Are you kidding me?!" David rose his voice to become louder than his daughter's. He did not care if Michael heard them. "Everything I have done, I have done for you and Mike, so don't you dare call me selfish," Y/n started to get up from her seat, no longer wanting to stay for breakfast after this sour interaction. "You're going have to listen to me sooner or later. Doesn't matter if you like it. I'm your father." He added.

"No. You are not." Y/n muttered and exited the kitchen, leaving David in complete and utter shock.

"That door is to remain locked," he said after a moment while a pang of sadness struck his heart. "And I'm extending your punishment by another week. You still cannot talk to Wybie either." David hollered to ensure that the h/c-haired girl would overhear his words.

"Whatever!" Y/n got the last word in and, to make sure that she wouldn't be disturbed, she slammed the door to her bedroom shut before barracking it with what little she had.


sorry for the delay and a rather short update, everyone, some stuff happened at school and it's been an exhausting week. rest assured i'm positive the next chapter will be much longer than this one. thank you all so much for your patience and support.

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