Three: The Odd Present.

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[Ashland, Oregon. Saturday,
November 18, 2015.]

Hours later, when it was officially daytime, Y/n exited her bedroom with a loud yawn but immediately stopped her tired expression when the smell of her adoptive father's cooking wafted into her nose. The walk that she had taken earlier was a nice break from the chaos within the Pink Palace and — at the time — the fresh air felt nice on her face but that was in the past now. She has to get back to reality.

"What are you making?" The teenager asked as she stepped into the room. The main floor kitchen, like most things in the Pink Palace, is barely maintained and looks worn and faded.

"You'll see." Her nonbiological father, David Kelly, replied whilst keeping his focus remained on the heated pot that was placed on top of the oven. While the intentional ambiguity of his sentence may have soiled Y/n's once-good mood, she decided to sit at the decrepit table. It was already set with three bowls which sat perfectly in front of each seat. They also had their respective silverware on the sides of them.

Not having much to do while in the kitchen, Y/n strummed her fingers along the top of the piece of furniture. There wasn't any particular reason why she was doing this action. She was just bored.

"How did you sleep?" David sought to strike up a conversation as he stirred whatever he was cooking up.

"Fine," Y/n crossed her arms over her chest. She decided to leave her little adventure out of it, especially Wybie. She knew that David would blow it out of proportion. "I slept fine." She repeated.

"That's good."

After a few moments of awkward silence, Y/n almost perked up after seeing David make his way toward the table and pour breakfast into everyone's respective bowls. It was oatmeal. "Oh," to say that she was a bit disappointed would be an understatement in its finest definition. However, she was grateful that she got a meal. "Thank you." She mumbled under her breath.

The older man only hummed in response before taking his seat in front of his adoptive daughter.

Staring down at the oatmeal, Y/n felt her stomach churn at the grey-looking food. It looked bland and tasteless. The good thing is that it was edible and that's all that truly mattered to the h/c-haired girl because she felt like she could eat a horse. Just as she was about to dive into eating, she was stopped by David who spoke up, "Y/n." He said.

"Yeah?..." she was sweating bullets. Did he somehow find out that she snuck out last night? If that's the case, then she wouldn't hear the end of it.

"Today, I have a job for you." David looked up from his bowl of oatmeal to settle his gaze on Y/n.

Partially relieved, Y/n took a moment to relieve herself from the stress that was pent up within her. "What kind of job?" She asked, sceptical.

"One that involves meeting our neighbours." He entailed what the day would have in store for the young woman. "What?!" Y/n couldn't help but raise her voice. That was out of her comfort zone. Sure, she had no problem meeting Wybie but that was after the fact that he frightened her.

"Well, it's not like I can get Michael to do it for us." David pointed out the obvious.

"Okay, but why can't you do that?" The job itself seemed more like a grownup thing to do anyway. Y/n was in no position to make amends with the neighbours. Whoever they may be. Michael was not her child to look after and speak on behalf of his misdemeanours.

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