Eighteen: The Cold Truth.

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[Ashland, Oregon. Tuesday,
November 21, 2015.]

With a heavy heart, Y/n races downstairs to the Other Living Room where the way home must be but comes to find out that the doors leading to the aforementioned room were locked tight. "Of course." She muttered, taking a deep breath.

Readjusting her footing, Y/n readjusts her grip on the handles with all her might. It's no use. She stops, panting, then hears a commotion coming from what she believed to be the Other David's study. He was no father in this world or hers.

As expected, Y/n was going to give him a stern talking-to.

Now entering the Other Father's study, Y/n opens the door and finds the doppelgänger version of David sitting at the piano, his back to her, hitting the note. She speaks in her bravest voice, "Hey! Where's the Other Mother? I want to go home." She points out the obvious.

The Other Father turns around. He looks ill; his hair is messed up and his appearance is dishevelled. He speaks, his voice slowed down, "All will be swell, soon as Mother's refreshed. Her strength is our strength." Just then, a white-gloved hand pops out from the piano.

One covers his mouth, and the other wags a finger in his face. Warning him. "Mustn't talk when Mother's not here." David soon states when they finally pulled away.

"If you won't even talk to me, I'm gonna find the Other Wybie." Y/n tests. "He'll know how to help me get out of this shithole," her words were like a dagger, cutting deep within the Other David who laughed. "What's so funny?" She raised an eyebrow.

"No point; he pulled a long face..." the Other Father pulls down the corners of his mouth impossibly far to symbolize a horrifying frown. "... and Mother didn't like it." Before he could continue, the piano hands pop out again, aggressively shut his mouth and spin away from Y/n.

Frightened, she runs to the door that leads outside and pulls it open.

Y/n felt like she couldn't breathe but two truths made themselves known to her: not to truth anyone and to get as far away from the Pink Palace as soon as possible.

She crosses the trail with the Other House in the distance and enters the orchard. She's panting hard and has to slow to a fast walk. The further she goes, the less tree-like the fruit trees become.

Y/n then hears the black cat meow from below her. Surprised, she looks down. "And what do you think you're doing?" The cat trots along by her feet. She blinks with surprise but is relieved to see him.

"I needed to clear my head," Y/n says, solemnly. "Before I go talk to her," the h/c-haired girl knew that she couldn't get away from the Other Mother in this world. She'd have to eventually face her. The sky starts to brighten and the apple trees become wire-thin shapes of trees. "Is something wrong? This should be the place where Wybie and I first met."

The remnants of the trees and the sky and the ground give way to a pale, empty nothingness. No ground or shadows. "Nothing out here... it's the empty part of this world. She only made what she knew would impress you." The cat replied.

"But why? Why does she want me?" Y/n questions as they walk over the horizon.

"I don't know. Perhaps she wants something to love. Something that isn't her... or maybe she'd just love something to eat."

"Ew!" Y/n grimaced at the thought of falling victim to cannibalism. It was disgusting and the very idea made her skin crawl. "You're kidding, right?" She asked, rhetorically.

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