Two: Meeting the Renowned 'Village Stalker'.

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[Ashland, Oregon. Saturday,
November 18, 2015.]

Y/n found it increasingly difficult to sleep that night. Instead, she stared at the ceiling, simply thinking it through and questioning the peculiar recesses of her mind, along with the tangent it'd gone on. At one point, the young woman tossed fitfully on his ratty mattress, trying her best to ignore the commotion outside which agitated her to the core. She pulled her covers closer to her body, groaning.

Y/n's pillow felt lumpier than it did a few hours ago. She instinctively punches it, and the knots don't respond. She eventually stopped since the action took too much effort. Rolling onto her other side, she makes a vain attempt to get comfortable.

That's when her e/c optics slowly began to drift to the clock that stood at attention on her bedside table. Surely, dawn was making its long-awaited entrance, Y/n poorly assumed. No, that was not the case.

It was precisely 1:12 in the morning. What luck!

As much as Y/n wanted to be surprised by this factor, she wasn't. She wanted to wait until her adopted brother, Michael, had gone to bed and therefore shut his music off. He did. Thank goodness that he didn't need to listen to any tunes to help him drift off to sleep.

"You know what?" The h/c-haired girl peeled the covers off of her frame, manoeuvring to her abnormally small closet where she started to grab a warmer set of clothes. "I'm sure they won't notice if I slip out for a minute or two." She mumbled to relatively no one.

Crouching, Y/n retrieved her tennis shoes and a flashlight. She was going out for a walk and no one was going to stop her. If drastic measures are necessary (though it's highly unlikely), she concluded that she could simply clobber any potential assailant. Yeah, that'll work.

While it may have taken a while, Y/n found herself on a rocky path that was a decent ways away from the Pink Palace. The crisp air nipped at her cheeks; she was unprepared for the cool wind that pushed through the state at this time of night. Crossing her arms over her chest, the new tenant could only hope that this action will keep her warm.

If she were to be completely honest, Y/n didn't know where she was headed. But with the newfound sense of independence wafting over her very being — the cold didn't seem so bad, and the direction seemed unimportant. The wind that pushed against Y/n's back moved her forward, aimless through the mountains of Ashland, Oregon —away from the vibrant building that she is forced to now call 'home'. She would never indulge in such a manner.

At least, not for a while yet.

But it didn't matter; not at that moment at least. Y/n was content being alone at the moment. She needed to clear her mind and she wouldn't have to deal with Michael's blaring music or her adoptive father's intruding behaviour.

Given that she was so preoccupied with her intoxicating thoughts, Y/n yelped when she doubled down and accidentally stepped on an old railroad tie, prompting her foot to sink into the rotted wood, stopping her. "Ew..." she grimaced. "Dude, are you—" she cut herself off with a groan. Of course, this of all things had to happen to her.

As she was pulling her shoe out of the disgusting predicament that it was currently in, Y/n nearly froze at the sound of stones rolling down past her. They've been dislodging but not by her. She immediately jerks her head toward the wall of stones above only to be met with the bleak darkness of the night.

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