Twenty-One: The Beauty of the Adder Stone.

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[Ashland, Oregon. Tuesday,
November 21, 2015.]

Inside Miss Spink and Forcible's living room, Y/n watched as Miss Spink is knitting a sweater with wings for a worried-looking Angus, one of the Scotties, who sits on her lap. The teenager sips tea, anxious, the other two dogs beside her. "I'm sorry but," she spoke up, becoming highly uncomfortable. "I thought you only made wings for the... dead ones?"

"Just looking ahead, dear... Angus hasn't been feeling very well of late." Miss Spink says, matter-of-factly.

"April? Aren't you getting ready?" The blond older woman calls out to her flatmate.

"We've lost our ride, Miriam. Y/n says her father has vanished, quite completely."

Miss Forcible is tightening her elaborate corset behind a screen using pulleys and hooks. "What?!" She gasps. "We've waited months for those tickets." One of the corset hooks flies up and pulls off her wig. She ignores it and comes over to address Spink.

"I suppose we could walk!" Spink frowns.

"With your gamy legs?" Miss Forcible insulted. "It's nearly two miles to the theatre!" She points out the obvious.

Y/n clears her throat, "Michael could always drive you to the theatre. It might take some convincing but... he could do it." She reassured the older pair with a small smile.

"Oh, marvellous!" Miss Forcible praised.

"Now, your missing father. We know just what you need. Miriam, get... that's right." Miss Spinks stops her directions when Miss Forcible grabs another dish of old stuck-together candy and puts it in front of Y/n.

"I'm sorry but," the teenager pinched the bridge of her nose. "How is hundred-year-old candy going to help?" She inquired.

Miss Spink suddenly raises her knitting needles as if to stab the new tenant. Y/n yelps, hands up in defence but it's the candies she attacks, sending sticky chips flying, making loud grunts as she stabs.

Y/n relaxes and watches as Miss Spink pulls a large, three-sided candy with a hole from the rubble and passes it to the teenager who recognizes it as an Adder Stone which can be used as a protective amulet against evil magic.

"There you go, sweety," Y/n studies the odd candy and holds it up, looking through its hole at the ladies. "It will help you. They're good for bad things, sometimes." Miss Spink explained.

"No, they're good for lost things." Miss Forcible disagreed. However, the pair didn't look any different while Y/n was peeking through the hole of the Adder Stone.

"It's bad things, Miriam."

"Lost things, April."



"Bad things!"


Y/n couldn't take any more of the arguing. She quietly gets up whilst the two older women bickered, takes the odd piece of candy and leaves.


a very short chapter, i apologize!

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