Ten: The Second Night in the Other World.

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[Ashland, Oregon. Monday,
November 20, 2015.]

That night, Y/n devised a plan. One that would set the record straight and truly confirm whether the Other World was real or not. She carefully took some yellow cheese from her pocket and puts it by the door: mouse bait. It was the only explanation for the weird movement the other night. The figure that lured in the shadows. It had to be a mouse. While it may seem unreasonable to use this cliche to her advantage, it wasn't like the h/c-haired girl had many options.

Moving to the Pink Palace established some minor setbacks, which included living expenses too.

When she was finished scattering the pieces of cheese by the door, Y/n retreated to her bed where she lies down and her breathing slows, the doll watches her with a nearly imperceptible smile on its face.

Hours later, Y/n was torn from her dream when she heard a scuffle around her bedroom. She let out an audible groan but thought not much of the noise at the time.

T-t-t-t-t, the figure sounded.

Not needing any more convincing that it was some sort of animal, Y/n sits up, looks to her door, and spots a couple of kangaroo mice stealing the last bit of cheese that she left by the door.

Seeing the creatures, Y/n didn't waste a moment to give chase after the mice who intently hopped down the stairs with the cheese.

Y/n follows the kangaroo mice directly to the strange door in the living room which was now opened a crack, where they disappear.

She pulls it open. Bricks are gone; tunnel revealed. She doesn't hesitate this time to crawl through the door.

Y/n enters the Other Kitchen to find the Other Mother preparing a delicious breakfast. She looks prettier tonight; her hair shining, lips redder. She stops humming a lullaby to greet the teenager. "Good morning... or... night." The h/c-haired girl made her presence known.

"Welcome back, darling," she is grating yellow cheese into scrambled eggs. "It was so thoughtful of you to send this nice cheddar, Y/n." The Other Mother expresses her gratitude but the young adult couldn't help but furrow her eyebrows in subtle confusion.

"Cheddar?" Y/n repeated, puzzled, before realizing that it was the mouse bait. She tried to suppress her disgust, given that it touched the ground and was in the rodent's grubby paws. "Oh, yeah," she let out a small sigh. "No problem." She added.

"Say, Would you go fetch your father and Michael?" The Other Mother suggested, looking over her shoulder to beam at Y/n.

"I, uh, don't think Michael would like it here," Y/n stated. She knew her adoptive brother like the back of her hand. If anything, he would express his uncertainty about the Other World by cursing up a storm. Embarrassing them both. He isn't the best guest, let alone a perfect neighbour.

"No, silly," the Other Mother giggled. "Your other brother." She corrected.

"I have another brother?" Y/n couldn't believe what she was hearing. One Michael was enough but two? The h/c-haired girl didn't think she had the sanity for that.

"Of course you do!"

"You don't think that..." Y/n trailed off but, to try and suppress her hesitation, she cleared her thought. "You don't think he'd yell at me, would you?" She chose to be direct. There was no point in beating around the bush.

"No, no!" The Other Mother shook her head at the idea. "I'll see to it that he's on his best behaviour, I promise," she turned around to face the behaviour. "Your Other Brother should be in his bedroom but your father is in the garden." She said, solemnly.

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