Twenty-Six: Not Out of the Woods Yet.

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[Ashland, Oregon. Thursday,
November 23, 2015.]

Y/n, amid her unconscious state, felt on edge. As if something was wrong. Telling her that she wasn't safe. She had no dreams that night but instead started to toss in turn in her sleep when several voices — those belonging to the old hag and the ghost children — started to mutter in her dream-like state.

"Don't leave me! Don't leave me! Don't leave me! I'll die here without you!"

"You're running out of time."

"It's the key, miss, there's only one and the Beldam will find it."

"Get rid of the key."

Waking up with a start, Y/n comes to find out that some of her covers have been thrown off her bed and the black cat was awake by her side. Worried. Her e/c optics shifted to the unconscious state of Wybie. He was still fast asleep and she'd hate to wake him up.

Y/n then takes out the key which still hung from its string and explains to the cat, her voice quivering: "I have to get rid of the key." She grabbed a small blanket but the cat doesn't like the sound of this. The teenager climbs out of her bed, grabs her blanket, and heads to her door but the stray leaps down and blocks her way.

He shakes his head.

"Please get out of the way," Y/n quietly whined as if she were a child. "I don't want to have to move you." This prompted the cat to glare at the h/c-haired girl before running over to the bed where he jumped on top of the sleeping Wybie's chest, purring loudly. The impact and commotion caused him to wake up almost immediately.

"Huh — what's going on?" Wybie looked around frantically, sitting upright but relaxed after seeing that it was just the cat that had awoken him. However, his eyebrows slowly started to knit together after seeing Y/n near the entrance of her bedroom. "Where are you going?" He softly questioned her.

"I'm going out for a walk," she partially lied. "To clear my head."

"Nu-uh!" Wybie gently moved the cat off his torso and set the animal by his side. "You're not going alone," he got up from the bed and walked over to the windows where he grabbed his large jacket. "I'm coming with you." It was safer this way.

Y/n had mixed feelings about the notion. While it would calm her nerves to have Wybie by her side, what worried her the most is that he'd call her a crazy person if he ever finds out why she was acting so strange as of late. It would ruin the chances that she would have at getting her first-ever boyfriend as well.

Inevitably, her love for her neighbour clouded her better judgement. "Fine..." she gave in to his wishes and caught in the corner of her eye the black cat peeking up, delighted and happy.

As the pair trotted down the stairs and purposefully heads down the hall. They pass the living room, where, on the large door in the corner wall, shadows and light start to move.

Just then, the baseboard is pushed aside. Through the narrow gap at the door's bottom, the dismembered hand of the Beldam crawls out. It doesn't waste a second in heading in the direction of the two teenagers with only vengeance on its mind.

On the rocky path that was somewhat far away from the Pink Palace, the couple move briskly. Y/n is currently gripping the key that's tied around her neck. Dark, ropes clouds reach like fingers across the gibbous moon. "What's that?" Wybie raised a brow, finally taking notice of the key.

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