Twenty-Two: An Offer That Y/n Can't Refuse.

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[Ashland, Oregon. Wednesday,
November 22, 2015.]

It had to be approximately a quarter past midnight. Michael had thankfully taken up the idea of taking Miss Spink and Forcible to the theatre. When the play was finished, they all returned to the Pink Palace and turned in for the night. Y/n did not. The teenager instead used this time to take the Adder Stone which was oh-so graciously given to her and fashion it into a makeshift necklace. The black string that she used ran through the gigantic hole in the stone.

After that... Y/n felt alone (despite Michael being safe and sound). She also couldn't sleep. Not with the entire world going on in her head. Her safety, the Other Mother, the ghost children (mostly Coraline), the possibility of where David could be, both Wybies, the supposed hang out later today, ... it was all too much for the teenager to take in all at once.

And so, Y/n got up to get herself a cool drink of water in hopes to clear her pressing thoughts.

Slowly making her way towards the kitchen, the h/c-haired girl stopped at the bottom of the steps when her e/c eyes spotted something in the shadows. 'Shit. Is that a rat?' She automatically assumed the worse possible outcome.

Y/n squatted, and sat on one of the steps, but kept her attention focused on the rather large figure. "Get out." She spoke up in the bravest tone she could muster. She hoped that it would scare the dark figure away but it didn't budge.

Instead, a paw stepped out of the shadows. Then two. And then followed by its entire body. Y/n is faced with large opal blue eyes staring at her. It's the black cat, purring loudly. "Oh, hello..." her voice became much softer than it was moments prior. "How did you get in?" She asked, rhetorically.

The cat yawns, and his eyes flash.

"You know where David... my dad is... don't you?" Y/n raised a brow. The cat blinks, taking a moment to stare at her blankly before heading toward the new tenant. He rubbed his head against Y/n's leg which caused the teenager to let out a small laugh. At least the cat was able to comfort her. "Thank you..." she gently scratched the black cat's cheek.

The feline, appreciative, almost smiled at the gesture. Its purring grew a tad bit louder but Y/n didn't mind. If Michael catches them, then so be it.

Soon, however, the black cat pulled away and then climbed the remaining number of steps. "Where are you going?" Y/n remained seated. She only shifted her body and caught a glimpse of the stray standing at the top of the steps. Waiting. She let out a small sigh. "Okay, okay..." she mumbled. "I'm coming."

Y/n follows him to the master bedroom. From under the bed, the cat drags out the button-eyed doll, remade into her nonbiological father. "No..." She groaned when she picked up the doll to examine it. "She's taken him?" The cat nodded.

Y/n, enraged, storms out of David's bedroom and — again — toward the kitchen with a plan in mind.

As opposed to throwing the doll (partially assuming that it moves around on its own), Y/n placed it on the counter. The black cat was slow to rejoin the teenager and only sent her a quizzical look. "I don't know if you're listening to me right now." She said, talking to the doll or rather the Other Mother. "But, if you are," Y/n leaned down, so she is the same height as the object. "Just know that I am coming back to fucking kill you." She threatened.

This threat prompted the stray's jaw to hang agape and — in his shock — he watched as Y/n turned a knob on the control panel of the oven and her eyes lit up with delight. The flame from the stove lit up her features.

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