Chapter 3

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Louis POV

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a familiar curly-haired person walk by.

He sat down a few tables away and began talking to a blonde boy next to him.

Next to me, Liam laughed loudly at something Zayn had said, causing a few people to look over. 

Harry was one of those people and then he looked at me laughing a little bit at the strange sound that had followed Liam's laugh.

I made eye contact with him and smiled, laughing a bit myself. I waved to him and waited for one back, the wave slowly getting more aggressive the longer he didn't do anything.

After a few moments, he finally broke and laughed a bit louder, finally waving back.

I eventually turned back to Liam and Zayn and tried to figure out where the conversation had gone.

I noticed Zayn looking at me with a confused expression, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Everything alright mate?" I questioned him. "Oh yeah, just wondering who was that you were waving to?" he asked Liam also following his gaze silently over to where Harry was sitting.

"Oh, Harry," I smiled.

"Ohh. okay," he said with a small grin, clearly satisfied with my answer.

I was about to question him about it but was interrupted by a very happy sounding Liam.

"I didn't know you and Harry knew each other!" Liam added excitedly.

"Yeah, we sit together in English, why?" I laughed a bit at his sudden mood change.

"I've been friends with him since like year 8!" he said, seeming surprised we didn't already know this.

"Wait you have? I didn't realise," I was a little unsure of what to say, he seemed pretty excited.

"Yes! He came to my party last year remember? He hasn't come to any others though, not really a party guy. I thought I introduced you guys then?" he said, confused.

"I think I briefly spoke to him, Lou wasn't there though," Zayn added.

"Oh yeah, well we should all hang out at some point, I think it'll be fun, yeah?" Liam asked, practically jumping in his seat.

I looked over towards Harry, who was deep in conversation with the boy next to him. He sensed me looking at him and smiled towards us, quickly looking away after noticing Zayn and Liam looking too.

We then started talking about some school trip we had coming up in a few weeks.

The rest of the day seemed to take an eternity. As a matter of fact, that day as a whole, felt like an eternity.

I couldn't help but sigh with relief when I sat down in my final class of the day, English.

"Tired?" The curly lad chuckled from next to me. "You don't know the half of it," I rolled my eyes, earning another deep laugh from he boy.

I turned to face him and couldn't resist letting a smile slowly creep into my face. I thought for a moment, patted Harry's head, and turned to open my book.

'He really has a nice smile, and his hair is so soft' I thought to myself. I decided it would be wise not to say it out loud.

Wait what?

What on earth did I mean by that..anyways not that important.

"What's with the smile?" Harry asked, catching me off guard. "Just thinking," I replied causally. He had a good question honestly.

"About?" He persisted. Something about the look on his face told me he wasn't going to stop until he got it out of me so I didn't bother fighting.

"You. You're nice."

"Uh, thanks?" He laughed a bit awkwardly.

I meant fair enough, I barely knew the guy, I can imagine that is a very awkward position to be in.

"Alright class, we're going to takes some notes and then split off into your pairs and continue working on your projects," the teacher announced. 

The assignment was we had to pick a problem in modern day society and create a presentation of any form about it.

We had decided to do ours on gender equality.

It only took a couple minutes of research for us to settle on it. "Wait so you're telling me men actually still get a higher pay than women in the same job?" I had almost yelled in an outrage.

"Unfortunately so," Harry sighed. And in that moment we had a silent agreement that that was what our assignment would be on.


"So Louis, should we do the research or decide how we're going to present it first?" Harry asked.

"Well doing research last minute fucking sucks so let's do that part first," I replied, pulling up a blank doc and sharing it with him.

"So, should we just start with general research on the topic then start answering the questions?" I asked the boy next to me.

"Sounds good," he said back. The rest of the lesson was spent mostly in silence, occasionally telling each other a fact we found, or an article that had particularly good information in it.

The silence wasn't awkward though, it was comfortable. Relaxing almost, after the long day we just had.


Eventually, the bell went and I left the classroom. Obviously not before saying a quick bye to Harry and walking off to find Liam and Zayn. 

Apparently the conversation I had completely zoned out of at lunch was about a new season off some show we had all been watching was out and the boys wanted us all to watch the new season together.

I decided to quickly go to the toilet before we started the long walk to Liam's house. I texted Zayn saying I'd just be a minute and for them to wait for me by the big tree out the front.

Surely enough when I walked out of the already empty building, the two boys were standing there deep in conversation.

That was something about them recently. They always seemed to be so deep in conversation about god knows what, but they were staring into each others eyes like they had just said the smartest thing known to man.

I smiled a bit, remembering the agreement they had that as soon as they fi ish school they were moving in together.

"And they were roommates," I quietly giggled as I approached them.

"What did you say Louis?" Zayn asked, tearing his eyes away from the boy in front of him. 

"Nothing, let's go," I laughed. He two boys exchanged a confused look but ultimately shrugged it off and began walking alongside me.


"JESUS- FUCK!" Zayn screamed, jumping so much he almost fell off the couch. "I forgot about the jump scares!" He whined after Liam and I wouldn't stop laughing at him.

"It's a horror show Zaynie what did u expect?" Liam asked, trying to keep a a straight face.

"Whatever," Zayn grumbled, rolling his eyes.

I was trying so hard not to laugh, but I knew I was just seconds away from cracking so I quickly excused myself and went into the kitchen to grab more popcorn. 

Zayn had knocked it onto the floor when he fell anyways.


A/n ello laddy lads, sorry it's been a while since I've updated. Had a lot of schooo, stuff. Gonna try and upload at least like once a week starting now. Can't promise but I'll try. Also cos it's currently 1.05am I think I lost my 4 day duolingo streak. Also lmk if there's any mistakes cos I have t edited it and I'm not going to it's 1am :D

Anyways, that 1D tshirt on harry's sorry the other day hey? Mmm. 

Larry 💙💚✨


Why is the iCarly theme stuck in my head.  

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