Chapter 8

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'hey harry?' louis asked looking up at the taller boy. they had returned home from the shops a while ago and were now playing video games. 'yeah? he asked not looking away from the game. when louis didn't say anything harry turned and saw louis sitting facing him with his controller abandoned. harry then took the hint and paused the game, putting his controller down like the other boy had. 'yeah?' he asked again smiling gently at the slightly nervous-looking boy. 'everything okay?' harry asked worriedly.

'yeah i'm fine, uhm, i was just wondering if you wanted to stay the night?' louis asked hopefully. 'well- i mean like you don't have to if you don't want to of course, it was just a suggestion and i thought it might be fun cause i don't know about you but i've really enjoyed hanging out with you today and-'

'Lou, you're rambling.' harry said kindly with a small smile. 'and i'd love to stay the night, if it's okay with your mum of course.' 

at that louis eyes lit up. 


'Alright alright, your turn.'

Harry drew another card from the pile. They were playing a game where they would take turns picking a card that would have a random truth, dare or never have i ever question on it. Louis watched as Harry laughed at the card.

'Okay you currently have a crush on someone, if so who?' Harry read out, watching as the small boy in front of him went a light shade of pink. 

'seriously?? why do i keep getting these shitty ones let me see that!' louis said snatching the card from harry's hand. his eyes scanned over the card, discovering that harry genuinely wasn't cheating.

'alright lou who is it. I promise i won't tell' Harry smiled, tilting his head to one side. 'Okay so, I don't actually like anyone at the moment...but, there's this one person who I only met a little while ago who I think is kinda cute. I won't say who though cause technically I haven't labeled that feeling yet.' Louis said, suddenly seeming very interested in his own wall as he spoke.

Harry couldn't help but feel a little jealous of this person. not that he liked louis of course! no he was just a friend of course. he just felt jealous of how lucky this person was that someone as amazing as louis thought they were 'kinda cute' as he had put it.

'no tell me who it is!' harry protested. 'do you not trust me or something?!' harry said pretending to be offended. 'im a curious fucker louis tell me!'

'never' louis laughed. 'ugh why not!?' Harry asked flopping dramatically into Louis lap. 'because of the same reason i haven't labeled it harry, i'm really confused about it. i don't like being confused...I didn't think i even liked people like hi- uhm- them.' louis stuttered, looking down at harry sadly.

'oh, okay, i get that.' harry said sympathetically. 'well just remember i'm here if you want to talk to someone about it' harry smiled gently. 

'yeah thanks' louis said, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

'of course'.

'so, should we get something to eat? its like midnight!' louis randomly spoke up after a few minutes of silence. but it wasn't an awkward silence, like your in a room full of your entire extended family who you've never even met. no this was that kind of comfortable silence that you only really get with the people you really enjoy spending time with. the people you love, the people who make you happy. 

'louis it is 9pm.' harry said looking at the small clock on louis desk.

'wait actually? oh shit, i thought it was way later than that...' he said trailing off into thought. 'well thats still fucking late enough, i'm hungry!' louis said in a very passive aggressive way that honestly scared harry. what would happen if this boy didn't get fed, god if harry knew one thing for sure, it would not be pretty. but it probably couldn't be as bad as niall when he hasn't eaten in half an hour.



'this is your house. you literally live here. you can go get food. we can go get food.' 

'oh yeah..'

they ended up ordering pizza and watching a disney movie, because as louis said, 'who the fuck doesn't love disney?!' 

'hey lou, we never ended up going back to the project-' harry started before he was cut off by the angry small boy next to him throwing a handful of popcorn in his face. 'shush harold, mulan's bouta meet mushu!!'

after 2 and a half more movies, lots of tears when characters died and multiple bowls of popcorn, the boys fell asleep, agreeing they'd finish their assignment in the morning.


harry woke up at 6am the next day to the blaring of an alarm. 'wha- ah fuck, sorry harry' mumbled a voice next to harry. it took the boy a moment to remember where he was and who's bed he was laying in. after he remembered he settled back down next to louis and the two just laid in silence for a moment more, fully waking up.

then harry started laughing quietly. 'i mean this in the nicest way possible lou, but you seriously look like a fluffy hedgehog right now' he said to answer louis confused expression.

'i hate you.' louis said lazily, flipping over and shoving is face into his pillow, kicking harry's leg 'accidentally' in the process. 'nah ya don't. don't lie to yourself.'


after a few hours of napping and talking, they got up and finished the project, despite louis complaining. but harry was convincing, and his way of making louis work was promising to make him blueberry pancakes when they finished. 


i love this chapter sm <3

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