Chapter 19

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!! Tw - emet0phob1a, swear1ng !!
Listen to 'Lover' By Taylor Swift while reading this for the best experience xx


The next day began at 1 pm when Harry awoke with a pounding headache. He rolled over and found that the other side of his bed was empty, but it looked as if it had been slept in.

A quick panic shot through him as he heard noises coming from the bathroom. His parents were meant to be out all day, and his sisters were at their Nan's again. 

Harry jumped out of his bed and slipped on a hoodie, carefully and quietly creeping down the hallway, listening for signs of who it was. 

He felt slightly stupid for not knowing who it was, hoping it would be obvious when he found out, like Zayn, Ed, or someone else. He had completely blacked out last night, he didn't even remember how he got home.

As Harry got closer, he heard a string of retches, gags and coughs, followed by spitting and the toilet flushing.

Harry paused for a moment before knocking on the door softly.

The person didn't reply with words, but they did gag and spit so he assumed they'd heard him, and opened the door.

'Uhm, hello?' he asked quietly.

The person was crouched in front of the toilet, holding onto it for dear life. Their hair was dishevelled and they weren't wearing a shirt, only grey sweatpants.

Slowly, after a few more coughs, the person turned around, and Harry felt his expression soften.

'Oh, baby,' he laughed sympathetically. He kneeled next to the toilet and ran a hand through Louis's hair.

'How long have you been in here?' he asked. He watched as Louis looked up at the clock on the bench and sighed.

''Bout two and a half hours,' he mumbled.

'Oh, darling,' Harry smiled warmly at Louis. He had very prominent bags under his eyes and he looked like he hadn't slept at all. He gently massaged the smaller's neck and pressed the back of his hand against his forehead.

'You feel really warm Lou,' he said, standing up to get a wet cloth for him. 'Why didn't you wake me up?'

' 'm fine Haz, just hungover,' Louis grumbled, coughing into the toilet once again. Harry didn't reply. He just wrung out the cloth and sighed. Once again, he heard the sounds of Louis puking and he quickly jumped back down to comfort him. 

Harry carefully held Louis's long fringe out of his face as he stopped and spat into the toilet, listening quietly as Louis muttered 'That's foul,' before flushing the toilet again. Harry chuckled softly. 'I'll call an Uber and go home,' he mumbled. 'Parents aren't home,' he explained under his breath.

'You're unwell, Lou, you're parents aren't home, and you're hungover. You're not going anywhere, okay?'


'No buts. You're staying here.'

Louis smiled gratefully and reached out to hug Harry. Harry made sure to be gentle, as he didn't want to make Louis feel any worse. He shuffled over to his cupboards under the sink grabbed out a black bandana, and slid it onto Louis's head. 

Despite the fact he'd been puking his guts out the last three hours, he still looked kind of hot with it on.

Louis smirked and sniffled. 'How hot do I look right now?' he joked.

'Honestly, way more than you should do, considering the circumstances, and all,' Harry replied casually.

Louis looked up from the spot on the toilet he'd been staring at for the last forty-five seconds with a shocked expression painted across his face, which was quickly replaced with a smirk.

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