Chapter 17

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!!TW: Mentions of SH and Su1c1dal thoughts, also some moderate sp1ce!!


When Harry arrived home that night, he didn't feel like hurting himself. He knew he deserved happiness. Not whatever horrible things his mind had always told him. That was the effect Louis had on him. He felt loved. He felt valued. He felt important. Not in a way that it would disappear if Louis left, he understood what it was like to have someone who cared about you. He understood that people cared about him like that too. He felt worthy of life, worthy of love, and worthy of happiness. 

He slowly stood up from his bed and walked over to the drawer he kept his blade in. He gently took it out of the box, careful not to hurt himself in the process and grabbed some tissues and tape and sat down on his bed. 

He took one last look at the blade and wrapped it in the tissues and tape, making it unrecognizable. It resembled a lump of garbage. He picked up the tissue/tape lump and walked across the hall to the bathroom.

He knew he would regret this sometimes but it was the only way he could  recover. He dumped it into the bin, tied up the bin bag and walked outside and put it in the garbage bin. There was no way he was going to get that out of there. 

He sighed. He deserved to live a happy life. Not one controlled by all his negative emotions and thoughts. He knew it was the right thing to do. 



Both Louis and Harry had a quiet Christmas. Louis spent it at home baking and opening presents with his younger sisters and his mum. Harry spent it with his family and his cousins. 

They texted each other nonstop throughout the day, both glad to finally be speaking again. It had only been a few days but it felt like weeks. They had already organised to have a  sleepover together the next day.

 As they sat down to watch another movie, Lottie seemed to give up on waiting.

'So Louis,' she started, as their mum left to go to the bathroom. 'Last night, when I uh, yeah,' she stuttered. Louis felt his cheeks turn pink. 'Anyways, spill bitch!' She laughed. 

'You've been moping around for days, barely giving me shit of what happened and then I walked out on you and Harry making out and now you've been texting him all day. 'Explain.' Louis laughed at how direct she was but told her nonetheless. His sister listened quietly as Louis explained the whole scenario, from the kiss at the party to the one the night before. By the time he finished, she looked like she was going to cry. 'So yeah that's pretty much it. Oh and also he's coming over tomorrow night,' he added.

'Ew, I'm glad the rest of us are going to stay with Nan then. I don't wanna hear that shit,' she shuddered. 'Oh my fucking god Lottie! What the hell? You're literally 11!' He laughed out of pure embarrassment. Louis figured nothing like that was going to happen but he still felt his cheeks turn to a bright red at the thought of it.

'Boy, I can see you thinking about it.'

'Oh, my- Shut up Lottie!' The two siblings laughed and carried on like that for the rest of the day. Louis also decided that he would never tell Harry about that part of the conversation.


Louis rushed down the stairs, nearly falling over when he heard the sound of his mum opening the door and talking to someone. As he jumped down to the last step, he actually slipped a bit but he managed to regain his balance before anyone saw. 

At least he thought so until he looked up and saw Harry, with a wide grin, trying to hold back his laughter. 'Well the girls and I will be leaving for your nan's in a minute, so if you need anything, just give me a call yeah?' Jay smiled. 

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