Chapter 13

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TW - Mentions of v1olence


Louis woke up the next day with a pounding headache. He had way too many drinks and now he was suffering the consequences of it. 

'Shit,' he muttered

Then it all came back to him. The cup of ice water, the punches, the screaming and yelling, the slurs, the kiss.

'Shit,' Louis said again, slightly louder.

'Fuck!' He shouted. 

'Louis?' Someone replied just as loud. He didn't bother replying, he just rolled over and screamed into his pillow. It wasn't a happy scream, like he'd just won the footy or something. It was a scream out of pure frustration. He didn't even know what he was mad at, or if he was even mad.

Well of course he was mad! People were being shit to Harry for being gay!

Louis picked up his pillow, and full-force chucked it into the nearest wall, making a loud 'thud' sound as it hit the wall, then slid down to the floor.

'Louis what the hell are you doing in here? You need to get up!' Lottie barged in. 'Jesus mate...what happened to you?'

'Rude much?' he rolled his eyes and carefully stood up, making sure to move extra slowly as to not make his head hurt more or worse, fall flat on his face.

'Seriously Lou, what happened last night?'

He grunted in reply.

'Just give me something, are you just really hungover, or did some5hijg really bad happen? Just answer me that yeah?'

'Something bad,' he mumbled, walking over to his closet. 'Something really really bad.'

He turned his back to her and pulled off his shirt, replacing it with a new one. Not bothering to shower as he had already at about 4am after not being able to sleep. 

He turned back to face his sister and brushed his hair out of his face to get a proper look at her. 

Everything was still kind of blurry from just waking up, but he still watched as the blob that was Lottie slowly came into focus as her eyes widened. She looked like she'd seen a ghost. But unless there was a spider crawling on his face, she had only seen Louis. He was barely even awake but even he knew enough to know that wasn't a good sign.

'Louis. What the fuck happened last night?' She spoke sternly.

Louis replied with something that was muffled by his hoodie sliding over his face. He sighed and sat down on the edge of his bed. He watched as his sister watched him eagerly, waiting for him to say anything.

He sighed again, realising there was no point in lying or hiding, as she'd eventually find out anyway from someone. 

'Last night...' He paused, trying to carefully recall each detail, not to miss anything.

'Everything was fine. Until I was in the living room talking to Harry. He doesn't really like parties so I wants to make sure he had a good time, y'know?' She nodded.

'Anyways yeah we were talking and then I saw Eleanor, who was clearly drunk, coming towards me. And she started yelling my name and shit.'

Lottie stayed quiet, listening to her brother. She knew something bad had happened and she didn't want him to just shut down.

'And luckily the music was really loud so you couldn't really hear her if you weren't listening. But yeah she was just making a beeline for me and I panicked and just kissed Harry so she'd leave us alone,' he sniffed, eyes brimming with tears, but he quickly blinked them away. 

'I know it was a shit idea, but I just panicked and really didn't want her to ruin the night. Anyways obviously Harry kind of pulled away and looked at me really confused and shit, but then he noticed Eleanor coming and yelling my name and he kinda took the hint and kissed me again,' Louis ranted.

Lottie wrapped her arms around her brother and hugged him tight. There was definitely more to the story, to that part at least and she could tell. Once again however, she didn't say anything and just held him.

'And it worked,' he said quietly, pulling away from his sister. 'Eleanor got pissed and called us the f slur, and kept walking. But I don't know why, but part of me wishes that it had been different circumstances. That I'd kissed him not just for a distraction...' He whispered. 'But I'm not gay. Well I don't think I am. Am I?'

'Lottie am I gay?' He asked blankly.

She didn't say anything.


'Lottie. Is it bad that I want to kiss one of my best friends? That I wish when I did that it meant something?' He sobbed quietly. Giving up and letting a few tears fall.

'Lottie?' He asked quietly. 'Would you hate me if I was gay?'

'Of course I wouldn't hate you Lou. You're my brother. I don't care who you like alright? I love you and all I care is that you're happy okay?'

'Thank you Lots.' He hugged his little sister and smiled, wondering how he got so lucky.

'So, Harry eh?' She smirked, winking dramatically.

'Oh my god. Shut the hell up Lottie, I don't even know if I'm gay mate.'

'Well I don't know much about that stuff Lou, but my guess is if you're having to ask me this question, then you might want to look into it yourself, yeah?' She laughed.

'Anyways, what else happened? You don't exactly get a black eye from kissing someone.'

Louis went pale.

'What are you talking about Lots?' He asked quietly.

'I mean you could've, but Harry doesn't seem like the kind of guy to throw a punch,' she carried on.



'The fuck do you mean by a black eye?' He asked quietly, but aggressively.

'You haven't looked in a mirror yet, have you?'


A/n sorry if I got some details wrong guys it's been like 2 or smthn months since I've written this...oopsies 

Fr I just noticed it was getting some more saves and votes and was like oh yeah, probs shouldn't abandon this too hey


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