Chapter 7

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Harry's POV

"Harryyyyy," the small boy sitting across from me wined. 

"whattt?" i answered looking up. louis had his head hanging off to one side, a small smile plastered on his lips. "I'm bored."

"like as much of a problem the pay gap is between men and women, I am getting really bored of this. wanna take a break?" he asked hopefully. "alright sure" I laughed. "as long as we get back to this later."

"Deal." he smiled slamming his laptop shut and throwing it and his pile of books to the side. "How about we walk to the shops and get something to eat yeah? its only a 10 minute walk I promise." he suggested."Sure."

"Okay not to be rude harry but do you say anything else other than sure and other forms of agreeing with me?" okay I won't lie that one caught me a bit off-guard. "sassy much? and I do have my own opinion, its just called being polite louis," i said poking him in the arm. then one poke led to another. and another. and another.

Louis started poking me back and it turned into a competition. then i had an idea and started tickling him. "Aah Fuck! Harry Piss off!" he laughed, falling on his side. I kept tickling him, now in the arm.

then Louis jumped up and flipped me over, tickling me back. then stopped. It was a Christmas miracle! except a month early...

I looked up into the eyes of the boy above me and only then did I realise that he was straddling me and pinning my arms above my head. He seemed to have noticed too because he went pink and jumped off. "so," he said breaking the tension. "shall we go get food my good sir?" he asked putting his hand out to help me up. I took it gladly and tried to stand up, failing and slipping, causing louis' hands to move up to my wrists to get better support. I flinched at the contact, hard. So hard that I accidentally pulled my hands out of the smaller boys and fell on my ass. "Oh my god- are you okay??" he asked me worriedly, clearly confused why I had flinched at his contact. I expected him to be laughing, considering how happy he was 30 seconds ago but he looked uneasy, and...scared maybe...?

"I'm fine," i assured him smiling. I wanted to get away from this topic quickly and slid my bracelets back down into the specific position i had put them in in order to cover my scars. when doing so i made sure not to look down and just felt around to avoid drawing any attention to it but i couldn't help but notice how anxious louis still looked as he glanced down at me wrist, while pretending to have just shook it off like I had. "so, shall we?" i asked like he had, offering my other hand to him. he smiled and took it and we both skipped out of his room dramatically hopping down the stairs and going straight out the door. "Bye mum! we're just going out to get some lunch." he called, not waiting for an answer as he shut the door behind us.

"Did you see the- the look on- on her face!!!" Louis cracked up next to me. I laughed along with him. "Oh my god- yes! she was just like...what the fuuuu-" The small boy next to me laughed harder and for a split second i thought he was going to fall over again. 


/no pov/

they two continued the walk to the shops laughing like 2 drunks about the face Louis' mum had pulled and other things. eventually, they reached the shops and settled down on a bench out the front with their food and started eating.

'how have we never talked to each other before?' Harry asked turning to face the older boy. 'or even really notice each other for that matter'. 'i've got no idea, i mean i knew you existed but that was it, i hadn't really given you a second thought.' Louis said pausing for a moment. 'Oh wait no that sounded so mean i didn't mean it like that i swear!!' Louis said in a panic turning to the boy next to him. 'damn louis...' harry said looking down sadly. 'harry i'm so so sorry i didn't mean it like that,' louis spoke softly, putting down his drink and scooting closer. he rested his hand on harry's knee, then lifted it to his chin, gently pulling harrys face towards himself. then harry suddenly started laughing which confused louis. it didn't make sense, he was so upset a minute ago, why was he suddenly laughing?

'what?!' louis asked. 'Lou i was joking! i know you didn't mean it in a rude way. but oh my god you should've seen your face!' harry managed out still in a fit of giggles.

louis didn't say anything, he just looked at the taller boy in defeat. yep. he just did that. now harry was going to act weird because of louis reaction. he didn't care though, even though he's only known harry for a little while, he already knew that he would burn down the whole world for harry. he just had that charm. louis knew he should at least be kind of pissed, but he wasn't. his mind was going a million miles an hour. yet with all that, his mind was only focussed on one word.

'Lou?' louis asked, watching as the boy in front of him turned red. 'oh i uhm, i just thought that y'know since we're friends- wait, are we friends?' harry stuttered which made louis smile.

'i'd like to think we are' louis said looking up at harry. god how were his eyes so green? they reminded louis of nature.

the two boys just smiled at each other. knowing nothing more was needed to be said. they sat in a comfortable silence and continued eating, occasionally glancing at each other, though neither would admit just how many times they did look at each other. 


i'm back here's another chapter. lmk if ur liking it so far :)

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