Chapter two

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Two weeks after the rodeo

I waited patiently in my truck for my Jenny. Currently there was another PBR event in town and currently Jenny had the big bright idea that she wanted to get laid tonight. I rolled eyes knowing all to well that some cowboy is gonna pick her up an break her heart in the morning. Same routine for the same PBR boys.

"Snap out of it Lizzy" I shook out of my thoughts to see Jenny in my passenger seat. She was smiling wildly at me as I took in what she was wearing.

Yup she was getting a heart break in the morning. In buckle bunny inter she was gonna get a lot catcalls.

"Seriously?" Jenny gave me a disgusted look as I started up the truck.

"What?" I asked innocently as I glanced at her. She reached into the back seat where she grabbed a padded vest that my cousin used for his bull riding career. She had caught me before I could even bring up the idea to her.

"What the hell?" She held it up better so she knew I could see it. I smiled wickedly at her. Might as well not even explain.

"Who said PBR couldn't use a girl" I winked at her gaping mouth before I speed out of the gravel driveway.

Something new was growing inside my heart and I just couldn't wait to find out what this new found love was.


I jumped out of the truck grabbing my vest and slidding it on. Jenny came around clearing daggers at me.

"Oh hell no! Not you! No! Not bullriding" Jenny tried to snatch the vest from my hands but she was a little too slow.

"No. I deserve this. I want to try something new" I smiled innocently.

She shook her head before she crossed her arms over her chest. She cocked out her hip before she looked at me. Her demeanor soften little as she looked me in the eye. She let out a small sigh of defeat as I put sand on my face and slipped on my helmet tucking in my hair.

"I can't talk you out if this?" Her voice showing all signs of defeat. I shook my head as I strapped on my vest.

"Even though a thousand pound animal can throw you off and stomp on your chest and kill you, or you could end up like Lane Frost with a a rib that ends up puncturing your lung!" I started to walk away when Jenny stuck by my side. Her nails digging into my plaid shirt to my skin.

"A green horse can do the same thing Jen" I commented before I walked off to the sign in booth.

Jenny was just like me. A barrel racer and my team ropping partner. We've known each other since sixth grade and couldn't be any closer. She's seen me thrown off and stomped on more then anyone. Maybe that's why she worries.

I shrugged my shoulders before I signed my name. I heard laughing behind me before a hand clasped on my shoulder. I turned around to find the same bull rider from two weeks ago starring down at me.

"Newbie?" He asked with amusement in his eyes.

I nodded my head moving away from all the bull riders that all of a sudden seemed to be clouding in. With out a word I left to go pick my bull out of the announcers hat. I hope I get an easier bull for my fist time.

Ok so the first two chapters aren't the best but I promise the rest are pretty good. I've already wrote them so I'm just going over them but I know there good. Thanks for reading this tell me what you think. :)

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