Chapter six

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I pulled back into Nobel's drive way just as the clock clicked ten a clock am. I parked my truck up between two others. One was a black Ford which I think was pretty sure was Nobel's but then there was a red Chevy. I didn't know who could possibly own it but I shook off the feeling of jealousy that seemed to be growing in my pit.

For some reason I started to feel this pit of jealousy. I never really had experienced this feeling before and I had no idea why I felt it for Nobel. He was not mine an I was not his. Plus on top of that we barely know each other! I just meet him for the first time properly around a week ago. I's stupid.

I jumped out of my truck heading straight to the little barn we where at yesterday.

"Excuse me" I spun around to see a older brunette standing on the front porch. A big smile was across her face and no sign of anger. Instead I just saw happiness and questions cross her eyes.

"Hello" I said a little awkwardly.

"Hey honey" she stepped down the porch steps coming closer to me. I spotted a few gray hairs breaking up the chocolate water fall of hair. Her eyes looked just like Noble's only more knowable.

"You must have been the girl I saw here yesterday" I froze as she stood right in front of me. Wait she was here yesterday? I don't remember seeing the truck. In less the truck isn't her' s.

"It's ok honey I'm not mad. Please I'm more happier then I've ever been seeing you and my son in my backyard. Oh my son hasn't laughed or smiled like that in such a long time. It's nice to know there's a girl out there for him" I looked at her confused as her eyes lit up at the mention of her son. So this was Nobel's mother.

"Mom" I turned around at the gruff voice. Nobel came walking up the hill giving his mother a warning look.

"Oh shh Nobel I wasn't saying anything bad" she waved him off as he came up to my side. His arm snaked around my shoulders as he pulled me near. I looked up at him with I'm sure a little pink on my cheeks.

"Well since your...."

"Don't mom" Nobel cut his mother off sharply.

I felt his grip tighten and his body tense. His mom shut her mouth as her jaw tighten. I could tell she wasn't happy about being cut off but she was dropped it. I looked back up at Nobel to see he was equally mad. For different reasons I'm sure but still mad. I turned in his arm and patted his chest. For some reason I felt like I had to comfort him.

"Hey. Why don't we go practice" I suggested giving his soild chest another pat. His hazel eyes met mine. He seemed to be looking down at me looking for any sign I didn't want to be here anymore.

"Ok" he whispered as he squeezed my shoulder reassuringly before he let go and started heading down to the small barn.

"Touchy boy" his mother muttered before she too walked away. I sighed before following Nobel down the hill. Except he was already in the barn and I was in the middle of the hill.

When I reached the barn I stepped right in with out thinking twice. I saw Nobel standing on the other side running his hand through his hair. He was frustrated and by his slumped shoulders something had hit a nerve that triggered sadness. I was about to say something when he turned around and looked at me. He tried to smile but failed.

"I'm sorry my mother she can just get...."

"Don't even start apologizing Nobel. She acutely didn't share anything about your past if that's what your afraid of" I looked up at Nobel through my eyelashes.

He let out a sigh still not glancing at me. He turned his head away from my view. I put my hand on his shoulder. I still didn't know Nobel well enough to hug him or know how to comfort him.

"I'm sorry Liz but it's's just...." I could hear his voice slightly cracking. I didn't know what had made him so upset but I felt his pain in my stomach.

With out thinking I wrapped my arms around him from the back. At first he tensed up but then he relaxed in my hold. I laid my head gently between his shoulder blades since he was that much taller then me. His calluses hands cupped mine that were secured around his torso.

"Thanks Liz" he mumbled. His head was tilt down. I was sure he was looking at my hands when I felt his thumb rub over them.

"Anytime Nobel" I released my hold so he could turn around and look at me.

For the first time since I've arrived here Nobel looked me in the eye. A small smile crossed his lips as his soft eyes flashed different emotions. I held his eye contact. There was just something about his eyes that pulled me in. I had a feeling that that if I looked to long that I might just get stuck.

"Well we should get to practice" Nobel cut through our silence. I looked over my back to the barrel bull.

With a sigh I hopped on it. Not really ready I tied my hand onto it. I still wanted to find out what had made Nobel get so upset so fast but I knew it was to soon in our friendship to even ask.

I want a bull riderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora