Chapter sixteen

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I ran my hands through my hair one more time before placing my hair up in my helmet. It was a new day. A new week. A new rodeo. A new bull on his way.

My heart pounding like a metal bird against my rib cages while my blood rushed through my vains at a burning pass. Every nerve on edge. Every five sense of mine alert and ready to fight or flight.

As my nerves and heart beat hit their highest points I felt a hand clasp on my shoulder. I jumped flinging my arms around like an idiot. As I turned around my hand made contact with something. Skin to skin. Smiling shyly I picked up the old dirty cowboy hat and placed it back onto Nobel's head.

"Really?" Nobel chuckled while rubbing his cheek.

"Sorry" I said sheepishly. Nobel smiled kindly at me before I spotted mischief in his eyes

"You know you could kiss it" I rolled my eyes while Nobel wriggled his eyebrows.

"Not really in less you want to be seen as gay. You know...I am a guy" I started to walk to the back knowing all to well that Nobel was starting at me leaving. With in seconds I heard his boots matching up against mine.

"Then call me gay" he whispered huskly in my ear.

It took all of my inner strenght not to shiver against his words. Something about Nobel just made my hard inter undo. His smile holds the sun while his eyes are always sparking with something a little more then happiness. His touch made me melt. His lips and body fitting surprisingly perfect with mine. Every thing was just right when it came to Nobel. All this making my little secret harder to keep when I got a boy undoing me twenty four seven.

I chuckled at Nobel before walking backwards to look at him. I shoved his shoulder playfully.

"As if it isn't bad enough I have to compete with the buckle bunnies now I got to keep up with the cowboys? I give up" I joked while throwing up my arms. Nobel chuckled at my silliness before we heard the announcer announce that the PBR event was starting.

"That's our cue" I sent Nobel one more smile before taking off to the stands. I still hadn't pulled my bull and I really needed to do that. As I jumped up near the choute a hand grabbed my arm. I turned around to see a bull rider that I didn't know to well. I believe his name was Davies or Henry?

"Here. Good luck" he handed me a piece of paper before going to take his spot in line.

I starred down at the paper with confusion. I unfolded the yellow almost vanilla paper. It was the bull's name. Rockefeller. Must be new I thought. I don't remember hearing that bull ever get called before hand. Shrugging my shoulders I walked over to the bull pen trying to find my un known bull.




I waited absolutely scared by the choute. I couldn't figure out which bulk was Rockefeller so I just gave up. A rustle and pounding of hooves sounded off down the bull pen. I looked down the run to see a black as night bull with horns that turned to the front. His hooves dirty with the dust. His eyes starting straight into mine. My heart beat picking up and excitement and fear ran through my vains. If a bull could smirk I'm sure Rockefeller would always be smirking.

The closed him in the choute. The men tired the ropes around the bull. One in the rear an then on in the shoulders for me to hold on to. When the bull was set I slowly lowered myself onto him. As soon as my legs touched his side's ever so slightly Rockefeller threw his head up making one of the helpers grab onto my shirt. I took in a sharp breath. Unlike all my other bulls leading up to this Rockerfeller was different. He was stronger, bolder, and meaner. I quickly sat down and tied my hand. Rockefeller eyed me up out of the corner of his eyes. Something told me I needed the luck the cowboys offered.

With a nod of my head the gate swung open. With out one bit of hesitation Rockefeller spun out of the choute. Losing almost all my balance with in the first second. Just as I tried to even myself back up Rockefeller went I to a spinning fit. I was flung off with in the first seconds. The funny thing of all this was though. As soon as I hit the ground Rockerfeller turned. His eyes starring into mine one more time as if saying idiot. No one can ride me. Expressly a girl. He snorted and ran off back into his pen. My eyes widened under my helmet. What the hell! I stood up not bothering to dust my self off. A clown asked me if I was fine. I just pushed him out of my way just like everyone else.

"Well ladies and gental men that was one of our best bulls and one of our newest riders. It's alright son that bulls a bad one anyways. No one can ride that thing" not even a girl I added in my head.

The announcer tried to make me take this in stride but I didn't like this out come. You lose some you win some is what they say. Just couse you lose doesn't mean you can't try it again. Felling pissed I stomped my way back to my trailer. Going to the back I brought down the tailgate. Throwing myself in the bed of the truck. Nap time.

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