Chapter nine

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"This is exactly what I was afraid of Lizzy! How could you even not think of this" Jenny yelled.

At this moment I was getting lectured like Jenny's life depend on it. For about half an hour she has been yelling at me on how careless I was last PBR event. Which by the way I got ninth an the top fifteen moved on. Safe again.

"Jenny I'm alive. That's all that matters. Next time I'll try to be not so careless" I tolled my eyes and got up from my bed.

This was stupid. If she thought I hadn't already came up with the consequences of bullriding then she really thought I was stupid. I got out of the trailer with yelling trailing behind me. I knew Jenny wasn't done but I was done. Normally I was the mother hen in our friendship but recently that's changed a little. I've become more daring and more comfortable in this constantly changing world.

I slammed my truck door behind me and started up the engine. Earlier Nobel had texted me asking if I was free for the afternoon. I had messaged him back saying I would be there as as soon as I could. Soon as I could finally came.

I pulled out of the trailer's parking area and heading to Nobel's.





When I arrived I was silently praying the whole way that he was home. I didn't really call or ask earlier if I could come I just drove. For some reason though I had a feeling he didn't mind that much.

I killed the engine and hopped out. As soon as my door was shut I saw his mother on the porch rocking back and forth in the old wooden rocking chair on the porch. I waved to her as I made my way up the steps. Funny how this place felt so much like home and I had only been here two times before this one.

"Howdy deary. What's brings ya here?" She smiled sweetly at me as I sat down on the top step looking up at her. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Nothing really I was just hopping I could get away from my friend for a little bit" I looked out into one of the pastures where I spotted two people talking by one of the horses. I tried to focus on who the people where but I couldn't see that well at that distance.

"Oh Nobel's out their with his cousin" his mom must have spotted what I was looking at. I turned around and smiled at her.

"Oh ok well I'll come back when there's a better time" I stood up dusting off my shorts.

"No no please. Have dinner with us. I barely know you and you barley know me and the family. What is of the family at lest. Please stay" I looked over at her to see her eyes pleading me to stay. I sighed.

"I can't disrupt family time or introud on your dinner"

"No, no, none sense" Nobel's mom stood up from her chair walking down the steps. She looked back up at me.

"Come on. If your gonna stay here then you might as well be put to work" she motioned me down the stairs. I smiled brightly at her. Yup it kinda felt like home already.

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