Chapter Twenty eight

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"Ladies and gentlemen let's give a hoot and hollar for our grand champ....Logan Saddler!"

My heart started to pound against my ribs once again as I stepped out into the arena. The sand flung up behind my boots, my spurs jingle just the slightest, and my chaps' fringe smacked against my thighs. It was quite. So quite you would probably hear a pin drop in this big O arena. The clapping died down and so did the screams.

All I could hear where my spurs and my own heart that begged me to turn around. But lifting my chin up alittle higher I looked forward. The owner of PBR stood there on a black circle stand that found its home in the middle of all the sand. His eyes seemed huge from even a distance.

They're not gonna belive you my mind hummed as each step took me closer. The names where done being called. It seemed like time was frozen with the people stilled, or at lest everyone except for me.

When I did reach the stand I stood there in front of the owner and announcer. They starred blankly at me before coughing. They both seemed to have lost their voices. I couldn't help the uneasy smirk that graced my lips as I starred at them. Here go's nothing.

"Logan?" The announcer kept the mic glued to his hand that was up at his mouth. I nodded before smiling generally at them. The owner cussed and looked up into the stands.

I'm not gonna lie I do have fans. People had lowered their signs now that they saw me but there was signs. I was a favorite and people made sure I knew. Smiling out to the crowd I tried to find the little girl. Found her!

Her mouth was a gap as she starred back at me. Smiling I sent her a small wave before facing the true challenge in front of me. I always found animals easier to deal with then people.

"If this a joke Ms it's not very funny. Where Logan?" The owner had whispered harshly in my ear. I bite my tongue feeling like saying something else about who I was. Taking a step back from him I made our eyes met again.

"I'm Logan Saddler sir. I've been Logan since the first day of this whole thing" my voice was mellow as I relized that indeed the owner held my belt buckle. Sticking my hand out for a fair shake I offered the man a friendly smile.

"It was a pleasure to ride for you people. You folks sure made this girl quite happy" the owner seemed hesitant at first but then he took my hand in his as a quick hard shake. I nodded my head before moving next to another cowboy who stood there mouth a gaped.

I never did it for the buckle. Never did it for the fame, or the praise. Never did it for anyone and really in the beginning I didn't do this to make a statement. I did it becouse it looked fun. Fun indeed it was.

Nobel was called in after me for second over all awrad. I'm sure soon they will announce that I'm disqualified from the award and stripped of my points making Nobel come in first and every one else would move up. I was almost 100% sure of it. The only thing was that every other one of my heart beats beat with hope. That maybe perhaps I was making this all up. Maybe I would get that belt buckle.

Just maybe.

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