Chapter twenty-five

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Nobel was right. He wasn't drunk. He kept in his lane and got us to where he wanted.

Nobel pulled up into a gravel parkinglot. I couldn't see much as Nobel shut off the headlights. The moonlight cast very little shadows down a pound the land only allowing me to see very little. And out of the very little I could see barrels set up in random spots, they where most likely garbage cans. Scooting out of the truck I looked around. There was a small building that looked like a consetion stand almost. Consetion stand?

Nobel came up beside me wrapping and arm around my waist. Normally I was one of the women to appos against human contact. Even Nobel being my boyfriend still made me nervouse when he just simple hugged me. But this time it was slightly different. Maybe it was the simple drink I had drank earlier or maybe becouse I was more relaxed now around Nobel.

Leaning into Nobel's body I looked up at him.

"Where are we?" My voice whispered through the silent night. Nobel's eyes some how found mine in the night. His eyes seemed to hold the moonlight as he lead me farther into the grounds.

"Well your one of the top rated five riders this season" Nobel started off. Sighing I fell into step with him. This was his conversation, just let him finish Liz I told myslef.

"Your number four to be more persist. I'm number five. Liz do you know what that means?" Nobel stopped walking and swung me in front of him. I caught a huge shadow behind me before Nobel made me face him. Where are we?

"Means I'm good" I shrugged my shoulders as I watched Nobel's expression. He rolled his eyes as he gave me a small smile.

"Good? Your better then me! Liz your great! And on top of all that your a woman!" He paused ever so slightly before he went on. "That's why you need to get out of it now" there was a pause in the night. A pause almost as if God himself had stopped breathing for a moment.

Stopping my smile on its spot I looked at Nobel. Get out now? I bite my bottom lip before folding my arms across my chest as if to protect myself from this bullshit.

"If you win....if you win Liz your gonna receive the belt buckle all of us have worked so hard to get" Nobel's voice seemed unsure. Me? I was fuming. Backing up a few steps I thought of my words. I had to be calm in order to sound cunning and smart instead if pissed and flipping shit over and not remembering my next words.

"And I'm not working hard for this?" My voice was dangously low as I watched him run a hand through his hair.

"Liz if you win your gonna receive the award. And guess what? You can't wear your head gear. You'll walk up there, your blond hair hanging behind you and then what? PBR is an all man sport. You'll make them look like fools Liz! Their not gonna take kindly to that" I huffed at that. Kindly? I don't give a damn who takes kindly to me! I care of what I make out of my life. And I don't even take kindly to that.

"Maybe that's what I want! Maybe I want to stir something up. You want to compete with best of the best then compete with them! Even if there boys. It's what I've been taught Nobel. And that's just what I've done" my voice raised a few octives before I stomped my foot.

"That's what I do. I stir the pot and see what comes out of it. And when I win that belt buckle, I'll be something more then Logan Saddler. I'll be Liz Saddler" turning away from Nobel I looked around to where he had taken me.

Rodeo grounds. The metal stands stood tall and wide in front of me. Looking through the spaces between the seats I could see the arena. It's dark dirt blended into the night. I turned back around and looked at Nobel. Both of us I could tell where still alittle heated up from our small argument. Don't tell me to quite when I just started something.

"Two weeks from now we'll be here. At these rodeo grounds we find out who the winner is" Nobel's voice seemed stiff. Our argument was still hanging slightly between us.

He shifted his weight before grabbing my hand and pulling me to the chutes. They were a rusty red color. Newer then the other chutes I've been in the past painful months. Smiling to myslef I looked over at Nobel.

"Will you still be in my corner?" My voice was small as I looked at him.

Call this my apology if you must. I'm not saying sorry, I'm not apologizing for the fact that I'm doing what I want but I know if we don't heal the argument now then it'll stay between us.

"Will you still be in mine Logan?" A smile broke both of our faces.

And just like that I knew what I was goimg to do next.

Standing up in my toes I planted a quick kiss on Nobel. Or what was suppose to be quick. Finding one of his hands at the back of my head and the other at the small of my back I couldn't help but smile in the kiss. His soft lips moved in sync with mine as he leaned in to heat up the kiss more.

If I thought bullriding was hard then I haven't really taken a good look at relationships then.

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