Chapter four

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I leaned quickly against a fence post railing outside of the bar. The bar was getting to rowdy and loud for me to even stay in there. Some how I let Jenny drag me here in a nice denim dress with flower fabric edging. And some how I've been able to dodge every drunk ass in there.

I spot all the bullriders in the pit here already. But for some reason I was still looking for Noble. Not that I could start a conversation with him but I would still like to see him. Ewe I'm sure I'm sounding clinging or creepy just then.

I took a sip out of my bottled Ketstone light. The cheap beer taste sliding down my throat. Not the best beer but it was cheap and it was wet. I starred down at my beer swirling it around in the bottle. I was so caught up in my thoughts about earlier today that I didn't notice who was next to me.

"Haven't we met before?" A deep voice asked from my side. I jumped looking over. Noble stood there trying to hold in a laugh. I shifted my feet before I looked back at him.

"I don't believe so...Liz" I held out my hand.

"Noble" he smiled as his rough hand took in mine. He took a swig out of his beer before we both turned our focus back to the dark night.

"I swear I've see you before" he mumbled against his beer top as he took another drink. I watched him out of the corner of my eye.

"Two weeks ago I went to a PBR event and you jumped on the fence in front of me" way to sound stalkerish Liz. Way to sound as a stalker. I did a mental face palm.

"Not that I remember...I mean not that..." I tried to save myself but I was only digging myself a bigger hole. Noble chuckled before he shook his head.

"No no I saw you today" my smile disappeared. He watched me more carefully as he turned his body around as he watched my demeanor. I paused. Did he know it was me? Am I caught red handed? Shit....

"Your not built like a bullrider and your friend...Well if you didn't tell me your name is Liz right now I would have never thought twice about it" he smiled at me as I'm sure all the blood from my face drained slowly.

"I give you props for being so brave and playing with the big boys. I also give you props for coming in tenth" I shifted my weight from one foot to the next.

"Thanks" I started to regain color back to my face.

"So I'll see you in the next ride" I looked up into his hazzle eyes.

"Well I didn't risk my life to not move on to the next ride" I smirked at him.

"Well heres my number. Before the next ride you need practice. I live six hours from here. I got a fake bull that all of us bullriders use. It helps and I'm sure with a little bit of help you ell be a threat to me" he smiled warmly at me as he handed me a piece of paper. I was about to say thank you when Jenny came stumbling out of the bar. She walked un even towards me.

"Hey girllll" she slurred. I rolled my eyes at her drinking issues. Jenny didn't know the word no when it came to beer.

"I know you" she pointed a finger at Noble as she threw an arm around me.

"Howdy" Noble tipped his hat towards Jenny making her giggle like an idiot.

"You can't have her" she slurred. Noble raised an eyebrow at Jenny.

I slapped my forehead. Idiot. Bad Jenny bad. I could tell Noble was trying his best not to laugh but with a drunk girl at my side it's hard not to laugh.

"Oh I can have her Jenny. You just watch me get her" he sent me a wink before Jenny had to go on and say something stupid.

"'Na uh. She's my lesbian lover" she giggled.

My eyes widen at her. That's it. When we get home and she sobers up I'm gonna kill her. Oh she's so dead. Noble cracked up laughing while he grabbed my hand kissing the back of it. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well I think it's time she gets some straight action" Noble smirked.

"I am and never will be a lesbian" I hollered in defence. That's when all three of us cracked up laughing. Talk about embarrassment.

"Ok I think it's time to get you home" I patted her back which was a terrible idea. Instantly Jenny bent over pucking up every drink she took just a few hours ago.

"Oh Jenny" I complained as I pulled back her hair. What a girl will do for a girl.

"Here I'll help you get her to your truck" Nobel grabbed one side of Jenny while I grabbed the other side.

We walked quietly back to my truck. Well all quite besides me and Noble giving each other looks and laughing while Jenny started to sing a random song.

We finally set Jenny in my truck. I let out a big puff of air as I shut her door. I turned around and found Noble smiling at me.

"What?" I smiled back at him.

"Nothing....lesbian" he started to topple over laughing. I rolled my eyes but started laughing anyways.

" I am not...."

"I know I know I just couldn't help it" he cut me off. I smiled while he straightened up and looked at me.

"Well Mizz Liz I hope to hear from you before the next rodeo" he tipped is hat to me before taking a few steps back from me. I waved goodbye.

"Will do Cowboy" I smiled before I jumped into my truck finding Jenny passed. At lest the ride will be enjoyable now.

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