Author Notes To the end

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I'd like to thank you all you've seen this book through the end with me! I'd also like to thank everyone for all the votes and comments. I've loved seeing and hearing you're guys' feed back.
          If you want to hear about April the small little girl's story it's already written in Rodeo Love. And maybe you heard of this story through Rodeo Love so I want to thank you people next. Thanks to all my faithful readers who read my books.
          I love you're guys love and support. I've had a blast writing this book for you guys and maybe one day (with a lot of editing and revising) this book might end up on a shelf. One can only dream.

Also feel free to check out my other rodeo books like Rodeo Love and Love in Rodeo. Plus my new story Canyon Love. Thanks!

Be strong and courageous my friends. May the wind carry you and four feet guide you.

Your writer,

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