Chapter seven

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My nerves where on edge as I waited for the bull I had drawn. So far the only man that knew I was a women was Nobel. He's kept his mouth shut so far. I turned around and glanced over my shoulder to see Nobel starring at me. When he caught me looking a smile appeared on his face. I smiled back before I turned around again.

I had pulled a bull named trigger. Nobel had commented that the bull gave you good points but he had an easy seat. Thankfully luck seemed to be on my side again when it came to bull picken.

Just as I was getting absorbed in my thoughts the thundering of hooves and pounding of a head against the chute startled me. I looked down the pen to see a tan bull come stomping through the chute. The bull snorted as he tried to look around the pen.

Taking in a deep breath I moved swiftly onto the bull's back praying that he wouldn't go off intill the gate swung open. I tied my Han against his shoulder hump. My eyes constantly glance up front tieing job to the bull. I could see him looking at me through the corner of his eye. Something told me luck might have not been so much on my side as I thought it was.

I nodded my head. The gate swing open and the bull charged out. His back legs flyed to the sky a I laid my back against him with my hand raised to the heavens. The crowed was going crazy as my body was jerked that way and this way. I could feel my body feeling like it was gonna rip into pieces but at the same time I felt so alive.

Just as I thought I had it all the bull swung up into the air off of all fours. My tie broke lose. Just as the buzzer went off I smacked the ground at full force. I felt the ground shake as the bull stuck his landing. That's when it all dawned on me. It wasn't over. Jumping up to my feet I felt light headed and dizzy but raced the best I could to the fence to escape the bull.

I reached the fence and gripped onto it with my fingers intill the bull was rounded up. Gently jumping from the fence I tried to stick the landing but it didn't happen. My legs shaked as I couldn't find my balance. My head was pounding as I took a short stumble forward. My feet twisted together and I went down once again. I could hear something from the announcer about man down. I watched Nobel jumped down from the chutes running up to my side. As his hands grasped my arms I feel down again.

"Liz you ok?" He whispered. A goofy grin crossed my face. I couldn't breath.

"Black" I whispered back before that's all I saw. Maybe I didn't feel so alive after all.

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