Chapter eighteen

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I stared out to the water. I was currently sitting here in the river and tanning on a rock out in the middle. The water barely touching my skin as I laid on my belly. The cool rustle of the wind playing with the tree tops while the water below me moved swiftly around the rocks. The humidity had gone up during the day.

Feeling my back skin heat up I flipped. Now on my back I starred up into the sky. Luckily this time I remembered my dark sunglasses to protect my sensitive eyes. I heard a diesel truck drive by on the road.

The road was hidden by trees and the river was un see able where I laid. Even though the road was a good hundred yards or more away you could still hear the diesels roar down the road. I sighed in pleasure. The lost still nagged at me but I was slowly letting it slip away. It had been three days. Sure I would never forgive myself for the lose of balance but I was forgiving myself slowly.

"Hot out" the statement made me look over to the bank. A smile crossed my face as I saw two jeeps pull up to the river bank.

Nobel was the one who had called out to me. He was already standing there smiling at me. I sat up on my rock looking around at the people who were piling out.

I saw Jen and Stephen get out of the jeeps along with more men and woman looking for a good time. I recognized that most of the girls that pile out if one of the jeeps use to run barrels with me all the way through high school whole the boys I knew well but they didn't recognize me. The boys where all the boys I rode bulls with. My identity was now at stake making my heart thump a little louder. Not to mention Nobel was pulling off his shirt.

My eyes for the first time in a month got to see Nobel with out his shirt on. His six pack in the works was now more defined and his arms had became stronger. When my eyes finally worked their way back up to met Nobel's eyes he was smirking. I knew I got caught. Hell I always get caught. I smiled sweetly at him before he jumped into the water.

The rest of the boys let out hoots and hollers before picking up the closest girl and jumped in after Nobel. I laughed at the sight of screaming girls and laughing boys. Everyone soaked now except for me.

"Hey" I jumped at the voice. Turning around on my rock I spotted Nobel bobbing up and down in the water even though the river was only shoulder deep

"Hi" I smiled.

"All alone at the river bank and you didn't invite me" he shook his head as a playful smile crossed his face.

"Well I wasn't invited to your party" I counter dictated. Nobel smiled as reached his arms out onto my rock. Resting his face on elbows that rested on my rock he looked up at me.

"Smart as a whip and as face as a grizzly" his smile increasing as our eyes connected. A simple complement from him made me smile like an idiot.

"Come on griz" before I knew it Nobel had his wet arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me into the water. As my head bobbed back up from under water I realized my sunglasses flew off. I looked at Nobel who still had my waist in his hands. I glarred at him.

"You made me lose my glasses" I plopped my bottom lip out in a pouting way. Noble chuckled before pulling my smaller fame towards his bigger one. He took his thumb and ran it over mg bottom lip. The chills flying down my spin. Nobel's eyes holding mine.

"I'll buy you a new pair" Nobel whispered before he gently placed his lips on mine. I took in the sweet taste of his lips before he pulled away to quick for my liking. The lost of his lips making a small whimper escape my lips. Nobel looked at me smirking.

"Come on whinny" Nobel joked before pulling my waist to his and walking up to the river. Life is good.

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