- Chapter 9 -

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I don't know what to do.

When I first got tagged in the post I thought it was some sick joke, it didn't have really any views yet. Now it has over 500,000 and it's still getting more.

I'm still getting tagged in it. I've seen Sienna get tagged too, she hasn't said anything yet. So I won't either.

We need to clear them up together really, I'm not going to look for her though. I want to let the rumours die down a little before we act on it.

It must have been a slow news day.

It's not like they took a decent picture of us either, we were mid-argument. It would have looked worse if we were actually kissing or something. I don't really think it helps that Sienna is laughing in the picture.

I hate how I'm looking at her, she has a nice laugh and how I was looking at her makes me feel a little bit sick. I've never looked at someone like that before. I genuinely look like I'm in love with her.

We're so fucked man.

"The way you're looking at her doesn't help."

"I fucking know." I groan, I'm talking to some of my teammates in the locker rooms waiting for warm-ups to start.

"Are you sure you two haven't even thought of dating her, dude you two looked so good together." I roll my eyes at Oliver.

"Not helping." I lean forward and rest my elbows on my knees, resting my face in my hands.

"Can we go out now? I need to get my mind off this." I say, standing up. They both follow me out, it's our first game of the season, it sucks that this happened now.

I scan the crowd quickly and I step out onto the ice, literally out of habit. I've done this for years, I don't know why exactly. Obviously I can only see one side of the ice as I step out and when I turn to face the other side I see her.

Sienna is here, in a Sharks jersey. That is really not helpful, I do want to know who she has in the back though.

I wish my intrusive thoughts would shut up sometimes.

"Dude, is that her?" Oliver comes up behind me and startles me a little. She's definitely noticed me looking too. "Yes, I don't have a clue why she's here." I look at her one more time before turning to talk to Oliver.

"Is that this seasons jersey too?"

"I think so, I can't really tell." I tried taking it all in while I was looking originally before I was interrupted. "Do you think she's got your name?"

"Not a chance, I'm not the best player on this team."

"That doesn't really matter, people get whoever. It may be because they like the number or they like how you look."

"Weird." I mutter glancing around the ice.

"Yeah, well it's true." He says, grabbing my shoulder before taking off to join the warm ups. I look back over to Sienna who is still in her seat before I skate over too.


Two periods down, one more to go.

I saw Sienna getting out of her seat while I was on a shift. She has my number. I actually may have fucking fainted then and there. So much for clearing the rumours huh?

I went on Instagram for the first time in days, she'd messaged me. I didn't read it properly, I just quickly check over it to see what she had said.

She said we needed to meet up to talk, that sounds fucking fantastic. That'll clear up the rumours. I think people have noticed me looking at her too, I look in that direction a little too long every time I get on the ice.

I saw some people behind her trying to talk to her. At first she'd talk to them but she started to get more invested in the game.

I knew she played hockey and all that but I didn't know she was actually a Sharks fan. It's literally in her Instagram bio.

I really, really need to talk to her after the game so we can actually talk about what we are going to do. We need this to be gone, now.

I want to score first though. The whistle is blown for an offside call and I get to take a shift. I'm not a centre, thank god. So hopefully, I can get the puck and try sneak in a wrap around.

That'll be really fun, get under their skin a little.

We stand in our positions and the whistle is blown. The puck hits the ice and i immediately get into a clear space on the ice. I don't usually go for this side, I'd prefer to start on the goalies left, but if it goes in I'll do it either way.

"Rhodes!" One of my teammates shout at me to get my attention, the puck and two defence men are coming my way. I quickly get the puck on my stick and start going towards the back of the goal.

I want to gather a little bit of speed so the think I'm just trying to get them away from me, not score.

That's exactly what I do, I start skating around the net and tap the puck in the other side once I get there.

Shit that what kind of easy. This is going to be a lot more fun then I expected. A goal in my first game, shit.

My line huddles around me before we skate to the bench, before that I catch Sienna and she's excited. I guess her team is winning and she's not actually playing. Wish I could say the same thing.

"Wasn't expecting that." My coach says, patting me on the back slightly. I'll take that honestly.

If I'm honest neither was I. I was convinced that wasn't going in. I'm glad I'm getting points this early, it'll really help me later on.


We won, I'm really happy about it too. I headed straight to the locker rooms after we applauded the fans.

I really need to text her, I need to meet her now. Before she leaves, plus no one is going to be at the main arena. We can talk on the bench.

Wednesday, 9th September 20:32

Sienna : We need to talk, meet up or something. We need to shut this down now!!!

Today 19:43

Xavier : are you still here? meet me at the bench. if someone stops you show them the article.

Sienna : that's a great idea, help the rumours why don't you?

Xavier : I don't think you were helping, I saw your jersey.

Sienna : talk to me in a minute, I'm nearly there now.

I carry my phone in my hand and walk back out the tunnel to the bench. I'm there first but she's close behind me.

"So? What are we doing about this then, appreciate the no gloves, by the way."

"Yeah well, I wasn't not wearing them for you." I tell her, gesturing for her to sit down. I'm watching the Zamboni do it's laps around the ice as she starts talking again.

"You asked me here, so talk. What are we going to do about this?"

"I really, really don't know."

She rolls her eyes at me and joins me, resting her back against the wall too. "Why'd you say I wasn't helping?"

"Have you seen your jersey?"

"Please, I got this before I even knew you. I have the same number, dick." Oh shit, she does.

Is that a coincidence? Probably.

"Hm, okay. Do we both post something?" I offer, she takes a minute to think and shakes her head.

"I don't think that'll help."

"What do you suggest then?" I ask her, mocking her tone a little.

"I think we should play along with it."

She's crazy.

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