- Chapter 11 -

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Sienna fell asleep on me yesterday.

We didn't stay on the call for long after we told Summer what we had to tell her. We decided to watch a movie, she said that she was comfortable and didn't want to move.

She ended up falling asleep halfway through, I didn't want to wake her up at first but I really couldn't go to sleep sat up.

I laid her down and put a blanket over her, I didn't want to sleep next to her or anything. I doubt that she'd be happy if that happened.

I have training today, she probably does too. We do need to be leaving soon, I don't think she's awake yet. I haven't heard her or anything.

I grab my hockey bad off my floor and head downstairs to my living room, and as I thought she is still asleep. "Sienna." I look past her, her phone has a few notifications. I hope for her sake that her coach isn't calling her.

"Shit!" She wakes up suddenly, I think it takes her a minute to take in where she is. "What time is it?"

"It's only 9." I tell her and she relaxes, she grabs her phone off the table. "I have training in an hour, I need to get ready." She says, resting her forehead in her hand.

"Okay. I'll drop you off at your house?"

"Thanks." I don't think she's fully woken up yet, she still looks a little out of it. "One question."

I sigh and roll my eyes at her, "you ask to many questions."

"Last one today, promise." She says, clearing her throat dramatically, "how exactly did I end up asleep on your couch."


"When we were watching the film last night, you fell asleep."

"That's it?"

"What we're you expecting?" Before she stand up she thinks for a second, maybe too long. I'm not counting, "I don't know?"

"Okay, you need to go home." I tell her and she nods her head in agreement, if this isn't character development I don't know what is. Look at us we're actually getting along. Shocking.

"Hold on." She picks her phone up again before standing up, she's really dragging this out. I'm going to be late. "My team is having a party tonight, want to come with?"

"Sure, whatever." I start to walk out the room and I think she gets the message. "Really?" She asks when she catches up to me.

"I like a party." I shrug.

"I should've expected that honestly."



"People are still posting about you on Twitter." I got here literally 5 minutes ago. It's way to early to be dealing with this. "I know."

"Why haven't either of you posted anything?" If I had a dime every-time I heard that, I wouldn't have to play this sport again.

"We don't need to." I tell him, focusing on changing. I am late, Sienna wanted Starbucks. "People will move on eventually."

"You are really calm." Oliver says, he's tying his laces. Still looking in my direction. "Yeah, well I am."

"Makes a change." He mutters, almost too quietly. That gets our other line mate to perk up too, typical. "There's a new post."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I curse and get my phone out of my bag quickly. "How are you seeing these before me."

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