- Chapter 25 -

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I think this is honestly one of the best games I've had all season, which is weird especially since the season is coming to an end. However that only means one thing, I can finally go on vacation. I don't have a clue where we're going but I want to go somewhere.

I've scored twice, assisted 3 goals and were only in the first period. If you think I'm fucking cocky about it you'd be right. I'm really enjoying myself.

I think the sleep helped, the lack of sleep and stress was really getting to me. I don't think I could've lasted much longer without burning out.

I look up at the time we've got left of this period, I think it says 4 minutes. I can't really tell though, it's hard to see from here. I think Xavier's here too, I think that helped. Actually he's definitely here, when we were getting ready after the warmups there was a cheer from a section of the fans above us. I'm guessing he's not the only player here though. Once person doesn't get that much praise for showing up to a game. I mean he could, he would deserve it.

I focus on the game again, as a team we are just playing really well. I'd like to finish this game with a wrap around. Obviously given my record it's not likely at all, but I have been watching the goalie. She's weaker on the stick side, it's helpful, if I do it I'll make sure I finish it on that side. I'll have more of a chance, obviously I'm going off what Xavier said but who knows he could be right. He's scored them more then I have.

5 goals in the first period is weird for us, we normally do a lot better in the second and third. I guess it's just our lucky day.


I could fucking scream and I'm not over exaggerating at all.

I just scored a fucking wrap around with 10 seconds left in the game. I'm feeling really cocky now, fuck my three other goals this is everything.

I also caught a glimpse of Xavier. He looks as happy as I am, he did that. He got me here, I couldn't have done this on my own.

I mean I got me where I am, career wise but that goal was all him. I'm just so fucking happy I literally cannot describe it. I don't know how I'm going to react when I see him. I feel like I want to cry now, so if I do when I see him I honestly wouldn't be shocked.

I just want to get the press and stuff like that out of the way, I want to see him really badly. This means a lot to me, the fact that he looks so happy is making me more giddy.

I skate to the bench again with my line mates, we only have a few games left. We are so close to winning the league and that is a feeling that I cannot wait to have.

"Montgomery! Come here!" My coach shouts as I step off the ice, "look at this." She passes me her phone and a tweet is pulled up.

'If San Jose can win their game tonight, they have officially won the league. This has only been made possible as Minnesota lost their game today.'

"Are you kidding?" I ask her in disbelief, I look up at her quickly before looking at the phone again. "Nope, enjoy this Sienna." The way she said that fills me with anxiety. It was a very mysterious tone. I brush it off quickly and spread the news to the team before the whistle blows for the last time. This is going to be a fun night for sure.

The whistle goes and we all throw our gloves and helmets onto the ice. I'm not sure if the fans know about it, I'm guessing so because of the cheers. The audience is bouncing and its so loud. I'm glad we got to do this, it may be the best way to end a season.

Let me put it this way, we've won the league prematurely and I'm getting married in a few weeks. By a few I mean three but I'm literally over the fucking moon right now.

Unfortunately we won't be able to raise the cup today, it'll be either our game on Tuesday or the home game next Saturday. I'm hoping it's Sunday, having a cup lifting away isn't really fun. For the fans or us, we want to be with as many fans as we can when we lift cups. Not with a few hundred. We do love the travelling fans though, trust me we do. Its nice for everyone to see it in person though. I think that's a valid point, right?


I've told Xavier to meet me at his car, I'd like to thank him privately. By privately I mean just away from other people, not at home. I don't think I can wait that long.

I push open the doors at the back of the arena and head to the vip area of the car park, a lot of the fans have left by now. So have a lot of the players, most of them have gone to bars for a drink. I would go with them too normally, I think we both just need to spend some time together alone. After we got back from the rink yesterday we went straight to sleep, we didn't talk anymore in the car either. It's been a little weird still, I guess. I mean I don't think I was expecting everything to go back to normal straight away. But at the same time I think I was.

He kissed me yesterday so surely he can't be in a bad mood with me or annoyed at all? I guess I haven't really thought it through. When I shut the door behind me I quickly scan the parking lot to see where he is. He is right in the back corner, which I like.

I head in that direction, watching the rest of the team cheering as they walk to the bus that was hired for them. I'm not drunk at all, I haven't had anything. I'm really sober, which is unusual for me, I like drinking. I think I wanted to have a normal conversation.

"I'm so fucking proud of you, baby." He says as I approach him and he takes me into his arms. I may have been worried before but I'm not now, I needed this. He makes me feel safe, whether I haven't felt like that in four days.

"Thank you so much, I couldn't have done that without you." I tell him, resting my head in the crook of his neck, trying not to cry. "That was all you, love." He responds, running his fingers through my hair.

I pull away slightly, not enough for him to let go, "you helped though, I needed that yesterday." He smiles at me and grabs my hand to pull me closer, we're not hugging. "I've really fucking missed you, Sienna."

"I've missed you too." I breathe out, feeling a wave of relief come over me, I relax my shoulders as I breathe out. He holds my chin, lifting my face up so I'm looking directly at him. "I love you." He says, almost as if he's reminding me. I don't think I needed that but at the same time I think I did. "I love you too." I smile at him, wrapping my arms around his neck, I press my lips against his and we stay like that for a moment before he pulls away.

He smirks at me and I know exactly what the particular smirk means, "let's go home, I really need you right now."

"Okay." I smile back at him, following him closer to the car.

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