- Epliouge 2 -

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Sorry I couldn't resist, I needed to do one from Sienna's pov.


If anyone told me 8 years ago that my life would've turned out like this I genuinely would have called you batshit crazy. I never, ever imagined this, but somehow I couldn't be happier.

I have everything I ever wanted as a teenager, I'm happily married and have been for years. I have a daughter when countless doctors told me it would've never been possible to have one the natural way. I have a life outside of skating and even that is something I still find hard to believe now.

For years my life single handedly revolves around ice rinks. At one point in my life that's where I was happiest, sure being at rinks still makes me happy. If I was to go on my own however, probably not.

I actually have a happy and stable family, after years of having nothing of the sort. My daughter has everything I dreamed of as a kid.

I love Ari to pieces, she may be a little spoiled but I genuinely cannot help it. She is my life, I couldn't imagine life without her.

Fuck, Xavier. I've used the same phrase so many times but if you would've told me 8 years ago we'd be like this, I wouldn't have believed you. I couldn't imagine being with anyone else, that may be because I've never actually been with anyone else, but that fact is something I'm willing to put aside.

I'm just so happy with how my life turned out, even if I didn't think it would be like this. When I got told my news at 18, I shut myself off, from my family, friends and other people.

Some I'm glad I let in, I was vulnerable, I wasn't happy at all. Xavier was my light out of that, no matter how cheesy that sounds.

When we had our talk on Wednesday, I didn't really know what to say to him. I meant what I said, when I quit I was lost, I had no idea what to do with my life. After all for all I knew I'd be on my own for up to seven months a year, obviously that's not the case anymore. But my point is, he'd feel like something is missing. I genuinely do not think he'd be fulfilled and satisfied.

I want what's best for him and not have a load of regret after giving up something he loves doing. It's stressful, I know that. I think he needs it, and he'd miss it if it was gone.

Ari would too, she loves watching him, she admires him. We love going to the Sharks' home games when they're in town, if she's lucky she gets to go on the ice at the end of games and wave  to everyone. She loves doing that, it makes her happy. She's growing up around it and I just don't know how she'd handle it if it was gone.

Of course she'd love it if Xavier was here with us all year but similarly to him, she'd feel like something was missing. Honestly, so would I.

I've supported the sharks for years, him being a part of the team relit my love for the team. I probably wouldn't go as much and I'd miss it, I miss it during the offseason, never mind most of the year.

Anyways, I'm sat here thinking about this because this could easily be another one of the best days of my life.

The first one being my wedding day.

The second and third being the day I found out I was pregnant and the day I actually had Ari.

Hopefully this can be a fourth, I do regret not waiting till Xavier gets home. I just got to fucking excited. If been trying to put it off but I can't, really I should've done this on Tuesday. I just needed to be sure first.

I think I'm pregnant.

Fuck, if I am God. I don't know what I'll do, obviously I'll need to tell him. It just seems so unlikely I'm just trying not to get my hopes up. I don't want to get his hopes up either. I'm nearly 28 and given my fertility rates already me being able to carry a baby to term now is really unlikely.

I do think we'd given up, I mean Ari is four and we've tried so hard. It's just not happened so I guess if it's not meant to be it's not meant to be.

But if it is..


"Mommy said she had a surprise!" I let Ari get the door, she's been begging me to let her open it for him. Honestly I think it's worth it.

"She did? Where is she?" Don't worry they've hugged and said hello and everything. I just figured since this is a big moment for all of us this just made sense. "In the kitchen!" She's really happy today, she doesn't know what I know. I didn't want to tell her, because again, I don't want to get anyone's hopes up.

"Hey." I smile at him as he walks over, pulling me into a hug quickly and pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"So? What's going on?"

I don't know how to do this, do I just say it or do I show him the test. When I found out I was pregnant with Ari he was there when the test flashed at us. It's different now.

"Sit down?"

"You're scaring me, what's going on?" I take his hand and I take him to the living room so we can sit down more comfortably.

"I promise, it's nothing bad." I assure him, still holding tightly onto his hand.

"Are you sure, because the look on your face says otherwise?"

"Trust me, okay? It's just taking me a minute." I'm only saying that because I do feel like I'm going to start crying, that in itself isn't a good look right now. "Fuck, I don't know how to tell you this." I glance at our hands before looking up at him again.

"I'm pregnant."

"Are you kidding? I feel like you're kidding." His eyes are wide and he's looking at me in shock. Funnily enough, it's an awful long similar expression that I had when I saw the test results two days ago.

"I'm not, honest I'm not." I'm smiling at him as I watch him take it all in. "I'm pregnant, love."

"And you're not joking?"

"No.." I whisper, resting my head against his chest before I start crying. "Are you okay? You look like you've gone into shock?" I ask him when I sit up.

"I'm really happy, love. You know that, right?"

"I mean you asked if I was joking twice. No I'm kidding, of course I know you're happy." I smile at him again, squeezing his hand slightly.

"I love you." He says, pressing a kiss to my forehead. It's small things like that, it's the small things that make me feel loved.

"I love you too. I couldn't be happier then this." I tell him, kissing him softly.

"We're having another kid." He says suddenly, almost as if he's trying to take it in still.

"Yes.." I whisper.

"Fuck, I love you."

"I love you too."

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