- Chapter 10 -

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I know, I know. I don't have a clue where that idea came from.

"Why would we do that?" He's the one stood up now, directly in front of me with his head tilted slightly. "It could be fun." I shrug.

"Really, it could be fun? That's it?"

"Shut up, are you in or not?" I ask, now standing up too.

"Hm, y'know what. Fine." Relief, I think thats what I'm feeling anyway. We're not celebrities, we don't get followed. But if we do this will work and probably be fun. "Okay, tell no one that this is fake."

"No one? Like not even Summer." I can't tell what he's feeling exactly, "I think she'd be thrilled, don't you?"

"Well, yeah she loves you, but I hate lying to her." I really don't know what to say, he cares a lot for her. "So, what are you going to tell her? I'm sure her mom will see something eventually."

"I didn't think about that, she'll probably tell Summer too." he pauses, maybe to think? "I'll just tell her when I get home, I need to call her anyway."

"Okay, are you sure that you want to do this?" I ask him, he nods. " I need to go, wait for me?" Oh? Say less?

"Where?" Oh my days, it's not like I'm even dating him. I sound so fucking desperate man. "I can try get you into one of the boxes? I don't know?" He's now stood in the doorway of the tunnel, "I can just stay here?"

"Whatever, give me ten minutes." He gets ready a lot quicker then I do clearly. I nod at him and he wanders down the tunnel. I sit back down on the bench, I want to message Kayla and tell her so bad about this arrangement but I won't.

I'll let her find out like everyone else will. Also I never messaged my brothers back, I did open the messages. I don't really think they believed the article and wanted me to confirm it. They'll see.


"So what are we going to do?" We're walking out now, no one is really here anymore. We decided to take a walk around the arena for a bit to kill some time.

"Are you hungry?" Xavier asks me, we need to go to his house apparently. I don't know what for exactly. "A little?"

"What do you want?"

"I can just order us something." I offer.


We're so bad at this, it's just so awkward. We've been stood at his car for five minutes. May not seem like a long time to most people, but time is going so slow.

"Do you want us to go to your house first, so you can drop of your car?" He asks me, I'd rather not. However what am I supposed to say, my house has no furniture? No I'm definitely not going to say that.

"Okay, follow me then?"

"Where are you parked?" I look around the corner and point towards a section or the car park.

"Okay, I'll follow you. Shit, that sounds so weird." He laughs awkwardly, rubbing his hand against the back of his head.

"No shit, you're following me home." I shout as I start walking to my car. I don't know how this is going to work.

Once I get to my car I notice Xavier in a car close by, it's a really nice car. That makes mine look shit, it's not. It's probably one of the nicer things I own.

I want to see if he has a nice house too, he probably does. Or he cares more about cars, he gives me that sort of energy.


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