- Chapter 21 -

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Today 19:01

Xavier : we're done.

Sienna : what are you talking about?! What do you mean we're done!?

Xavier : you know.

Sienna : no!! I don't, please explain this to me.

Xavier : yeah, fuck that shit. I'm not coming home, I going to summer's.

Sienna : Xavier! What's going on, please explain this to me. Whatever I've done surely there's an explanation.

Xavier : that's what Marie said. Don't talk to me again.

I put my phone down at that, what the hell is going on! What does he think happened?

I need to call someone, I really don't know who. What would I say? My fiancée broke up with me and won't tell me why? No that just doesn't make sense.

I could call Summer maybe she'd know?

"Summer! Thank god, what's happening?"

"I don't want to talk to you, after what you've done to avier." I shake my head and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"That's what I want to know, what have I done!" I ask her, I hear her scoff which is really unlike her. She would've never done that before.

"You've cheated on him, no? Or are you going to deny it to me to?"

"Summer, please I have nothing to lie about! I haven't done that and I wouldn't ever cheat on your brother."

"I really thought highly of you, Sienna." Then she ends the call before I can respond to her. What the fuck is happening!

I need answers!


Twitter, I fucking hate that app. It's going to ruin my life, it is already anyways. I've lost the best part of my life, I couldn't fucking function while he was out never mind now.

I really don't know what to do, would it sound crazy if I said I haven't taken my ring off? Because I haven't. I don't plan on it anytime soon.

However back to the main point, there's photos of me and Oliver hugging, y'know when we were in the corridor? Yeah then.

Then when he walked me to his car, I don't really understand how that counts as evidence to me cheating? In the picture I was visibly crying and it looked insanely obvious that we were at a hospital. Must've been a slow news day, again.

I haven't tried to talk to Xavier again, which to be fair sounds like a really bad idea. But in my defence why would he trust that over my own word?

Also who knows if he'll answer if I was to call him? I guarantee he wouldn't.

I still haven't forgot what Summer said, I can't get it out of my head. Honestly I can't get the whole conversation out of my head. I think the last part hurts more.

This whole situation is shitty and I don't want to put it lightly but I am fucking pissed at Xavier. The more I think about it, the more I wonder how much he actually trusted me. How fucking gullible do you have to be?

I can't lie though and say I wouldn't take him back in a heartbeat. I love him too much for that.

The way I see it is this situation isn't getting any better, and it won't if we leave it but he needs space and I'll give him that. He needs time to think and quite frankly so do I.

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