- Chapter 19 -

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I think it was 9:15pm when I was called? Maybe later. One of his teammates had taken Xavier's phone and called me. Which I had to admit was sweet but I didn't have it in me to thank him.

For all I knew my fiancée may not have woken up in the morning and I would've never got to say goodbye.

The game had finished an hour before they called me, that's why I was so pissed. It's not like it was an away game either. I was less then fifteen minutes away yet they wouldn't tell me where he was taken to when I got to the rink.

They sat and watched me break down because I didn't have a fucking clue where my fiancée was. They wouldn't tell me, they wouldn't tell me anything. Not even if his injury was that bad.

The only thing said to me directly was something along the lines of, 'if you weren't to busy drinking, maybe you would've noticed.'

I watched most of the game, they played it in the first bar we went to. We only went to two and we didn't even drink that much.

"Sienna, I know where he is. Let me drive you, you're really vulnerable right now. You shouldn't be driving." I recognise him, they definitely play together. You'd think I'd know him but I don't.

I try to smile at him but I can't, I'm too overwhelmed and honestly really pissed.

"Please, I need to see him."

"Come on." Honestly I'm surprised this many members of the team are still here. I guess they have press and stuff.

I walk with him out of the arena and he leads me to his car, he offers to help me in but I decline and get in myself.

Honestly I'd like to drive right now, I need to clear my head and that would really help me.

"I have his stuff in the back, I was going to drop it off but I'm going to leave that with you when we get there, okay?" He's the calmest one that was there let's say that.

"Thank you." I honestly can't get anything else out, I'm having trouble functioning, never mind concentrating. Maybe I'm glad I'm not driving.


I think that was one of the longest drives of my life, that's if you don't count the time when I was 8 and we drove to my dads funeral. I obviously don't remember it and quite frankly I don't remember my dad.

Shame, he didn't care enough for me anyways. I was constantly reminded that it was my fault he left. According to my brothers because I wasn't a boy he refused to stick around.

Like I said, shame.

Once I get inside the hospital I'm greeted by the familiar smell that I've gotten used to. Mainly because I've been injured a lot. Just not this badly, which makes it more concerning.

"Ma'am, who are you looking for?" I hear the receptionist say, she's scanning my face. Im not next to the desk waiting I think she can just tell.

"Xavier Rhodes."

"Ma'am I'm afraid I can't let you in. Family only."

"Im his fiancée! Please!" I tell her and she looks disappointed and shakes her head. "Unfortunately ma'am only spouses would be allowed in at this time."

"This is such bullshit!"

"Ma'am I need you to calm down." She's out of her seat now and I can see her coming around. I really didn't want to cry or cause a scene.

"What's going on here, why's she crying?"

"She cannot see who she wants to see at this time, it's family only." She repeats to him, I need to see him. Just knowing that he's okay will help me calm down.

"She's the best family he's got, you better let her in." He says, that gets me to look at him with a confused face.

"I do not appreciate threats, sir."

"I don't appreciate not being able to see or hear anything about my fiancée!" Im not backing down from this, you better believe I'm not waiting in the waiting room.

"Fine, just this once. She goes on her own."

I let out a sigh of relief and I feel my shoulders loosen. I want to be with him, I need to see him to know I'm not dreaming.

"Room 203." I've been here enough times to know exactly where I'm going.

I rush straight through the doors to the second floor. This hospital is sectioned nicely so I can quickly find his room. I don't think sectioned is the right word. Separated? I don't know.

I find 203 and walk in, I'd knock but he is most likely asleep. That's what I'm hoping for anyways.

He is, I don't think I could've kept myself together if he was awake. I sit in the chair next to him, I think he was bleeding earlier, that's what I got told anyways.

I hold onto one of his hands and rest my head on it. Being here brings me a lot more comfort then being told he's okay. Mainly because I can see he's breathing and okay.

I guess he's not okay. He wouldn't be here if he was.


I think I fell asleep.

I only say that because when I opened my eyes again it was the morning after and a nurse was kicking me out. He wasn't awake yet, which upset me more because I didn't want him to think that I never showed up.

What if he wakes up and I'm not there, I'll look like an asshole.

"Sienna? You're still here?" I remembered his name last night while I was thinking.

"Yeah, I couldn't leave him." I tell him, slouching on a chair outside Xavier's room. "They kicked me out this morning." I'm exhausted, but I refuse to go home without him.

"They kicked you out?"


"How is he, did he wake up?" Oliver is sat in the chair next to me, I don't really know what to tell him. I can't say he's okay. I shrug, "he wasn't awake, I don't think he has yet."

"Sorry to interrupt, ma'am you have to go home." It's the same nurse who kicked me out, I don't get why I have to go home?

"Can I ask why?"

"You can't stay here." She says, I can tell she's annoyed at me for arguing back. I'm about to speak but I'm interrupted.

"I'll take her home, just call her if he wakes up?"

"Of course." The nurse nods and him and walks down the hall.

"Bitch." I mutter, standing up reluctantly.

"She's only doing her job, Sienna." He reminds me, I wish she didn't do her job. Who was I hurting by sitting outside his room?

"I don't get it? Why do I have to leave?"

"I don't know, I'll take you home?"

I've given up by now, I don't have it in me to argue anymore. "Okay." I can tell you now this is going to be a long drive home.

"Can I hug you? You look like you need it right now." That's because I do. I nod at him and he hugs me. It's not a long hug just short enough so it doesn't get awkward.

"Come on." He says and I follow behind him, looking back at his room one last time before I go.

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