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Y/N didn't pay much attention to what the teacher was saying as they ready knew the gist. The magnificent school they stood in now had previously only accepted the best students of the capital, this of course limited the student population, but the capital was large enough to keep it above 200 or so. Besides, one of the main appeals of the school was that of the teachers being able to focus more on specific individuals due to the small amount of students in each class.
It was probably also easier for the game developers to deal with and explain the lack many background characters and to be able to focus on the main cast. But now, the school had decided to open it's doors to the entire country with a (apparently) nearly impossible exam, anyone who ranked above a 75% would be accepted in.

Sort of stupid, but, it was important for the plot to progress. Also maybe some big bad was using this to lure in the main lead.... It was some one off note in the first route Y/N ever played, they didn't remember it much.

What ever the reason, it didn't change the fact the story was different. The female lead was here, and it was all too early. The only way she could have gotten here was through taking the same exam as everyone else in this room. It wouldn't be possible through the prince since he was yet to be at his hunting house, Y/N remembered that for a fact. So, unless the game's story got a rewrite to make the once naive and ditsy protag unnecessarily intelligent, something was seriously wrong. That feeling of wrongness was only heightened by the constant feeling of being watched. It started not long after the teacher began to spoke, and hadn't stopped since. Unlike any usual description of this sort of experience, it wasn't cold, but felt nearly like boiling water being poured down poor Y/N's backside. Like something was clawing at anything they could just to learn more about who they were staring at. If the worrisome thoughts about the plot weren't enough to distract the undead, this certainly was.

Suddenly, the staring stopped.

The sight of movement between the ailes of the 50 or so partially filled seats must've grabbed the attention of whoever was watching just as much as it did for the [Blond/Brunet(te)/ect.]. It was a plain looking boy with dirty blond hair, he walked to the front of the class to stand beside the teacher. After he was settled she called out, "97%, Lord Kio." Next to Y/N, Andori stood up, following suite, they did too. He too walked to the front of the room and
Y/N followed. Quiet whispers followed the two as the other students watched them. The teacher, whoever their name was, looked uncomfortably at the masked servant before composing themselves. "98%, Miss Adina." They called out. At this, someone from the very back row stood. As she walked down the aisle, her posture was perfect. The held the elegance of a lady, but the face of a nymph. She was breathtaking.

No doubt the late student who had caused the awe earlier.

Silky dark brown hair flowed gracefully behind her, styled in an adorable half up do with small white flowers laced in. Her skin was perfect, smooth like porcelain but ever so slightly sunkissed, the only thing that could be deemed an imperfection was the small beautymark at the left corner of her mouth. Behind long dark eyelashes were golden eyes that felt all two familiar to Y/N, but they couldn't put a finger on why. As she walked a new flurry of chit chat drummed up. Things of how clever she must have been, her beauty, her integrity. All things a good main character should have, I suppose.
She took her place next to the three and folded her hands neatly infront of her.

"Now, these three are the students with the highest marked entrance scores out of the lot of you. I hope you can looked to them all for guidance and as role models." Teacher announced blandy. "Are there any questions before our head boy takes over to show you the ropes?"
Several hands raised.
Pointing to someone on the left side of the room, the teacher made a gesture for them to speak.

"I wasn't aware that Sir.Adina had any female heirs, are you some sort of relative?" She asked, aiming the question to the brunette in line.

"Truth be told, I've only been adopted into the Adina house recently, but I hope I may live up to its reputation and honor my new family name." Miss. Adina answered sweetly.
The teacher called on another student.

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