•Hide and Seek•

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Weaving inbetween trees and ducking low hanging branches Y/N speedwalked through the forest, the light peeking through the tops of the trees gradually becoming less common as the leaves grew thicker. They were currently following a trail of crushed grass and leaves, disturbed dirt and some shredded bark. It was nearly silent in the forest, until a loud thud stole Y/N's attention from a particularly mauled tree. Through a large bush, they spied someone slumped down at the base of a large rock. Red stained his vibrant purple hair, as well as his now disordly clothes. Two main injuries were visible, a cut across his forehead, and a slash along Serak's right shoulder which he held tightly. He looked up through his furrowed brows to a second figure slowly waking towards him. The man's back was facing Y/N, he was shirtless--for some reason-- which revealed a large Snake tattoo covering almost his entire back. It was obscured only by thin and messy brown hair trailing down his neck. Two sharp fangs bared in its open mouth. Two scabbards was attached to his leather belt, the blades that belonged in them were held in his hands, the sharp metal facing towards his back, pointing down from his palm. They were curved, flat on one side and deadly sharp on the other. They caught what little light filtered through the canopy, glinting maliciously.

°Serak's Pov°
"So this is how the little prince shapes up in a fight." The man taunted as he stalked forward. Dark blue eyes glinted with barely restrained killing intent.
'Not like it'll stay like that.' I thought bitterly. It wouldn't be long until he finally kills me, he's just playing around right now. 'bastard.'
"Nothing more then a little kid. Neither you or your brother will last a day when the crown falls to you..." He muttered, almost thoughtfully before a giggle escaped from his lips. A head splitting grin replaced his pensive frown. "I say that like your brother won't be the only option! Silly me... Well... This has been fun." He said as he rolled his shoulders. Slowly raising both arms... Agonisingly slow, he prepared to bring those swords down into me. Spearing me agasint this damned stone. I closed my eyes, letting my head roll back against the rock behind me. I waited for the searing pain of the incoming swords, but it never came.

A yelp split through the air, and I felt something fall onto my legs. I looked down, eyes slowly opening as I did. Sprawled on my lap, the man who had stood towering above me just moments before. In his place, an entirely new figure. Clad in black from their foot to their head, all flesh but the lower half of their face and the very top of their neck was covered in black fabric. Over top of their clothing was scuffed training armor, looking as if it had been hit with real weaponry from a true fighter. Strewn across their shoulders was black cape of wool, it's hood drawn up onto the wearer's head, leaving the already darkned face in almost complete shadow. The only definitive thing I could make out underneath the darkness was a wrap of bandage done up on the top half of their face. As I marveled at what seemed to be my Savior, they shifted their weight, the practice sword--their weapon--they held at their side was brought up to lay on-top one of their shoulders. Cocking their head to the side, they took in my condition.

"Can you stand?" They asked simply. Their tone was all too casual for the situation, but it was at least somewhat comforting to see that someone here had a sane hold on the situation. I nodded shakily in response. "Then why'd the hell you not try to run away?! Or even move?!" Their voice went from casual to agrivated less time then I had to blink.
"I was tired...." I muttered meekly.
"You were-..." they didn't finish the sentence and just sighed, probably rolling their concealed eyes as they did. "Whatever." They person leaned down, and with one arm, shoved my former attacker off of me. He groaned pathetically as he was moved, reminding me that he was only down for the moment. "Up you come now then." The person said, holding out their hand to me. I took it, gripping their white gloved hand tightly. Through the fabric their skin felt cold, but I brushed it off as they pulled me up.

"Thank you." I said, graciously, dipping my head. It was embarassing for me, eldest prince of the kingdom, but they had just saved my life. "What can I call my Savior?"
They open their mouth, but nothing came out, they turned their head away slightly. Almost like they hadn't thought of that.
"....not important." They decided on.
"Then maybe I should call you Angel? The outfit doesn't exactly fit... But your actions do." I fell back on my smoothtalking habbits, it was easier this way, helped ease the nervousness I felt in any given situation.
"Yeah... Sure, whatever. We need to get moving." They decalred with a shrug, starting to walk away, hand still intertwined with mine.

•Leave Me Out Of The Harem• {Various Yanderes X Gender-neutral Reader}Where stories live. Discover now