•Troubling Relations• {Pt.1}

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Unlike that... Situation, everything else in the tour went as normal. As much as the game featured at least. A large amount of the 'tour' in-game was just a chance to get closer to Andori through dialog, or following along with Tyie like a good little student, in order to raise their affections. And it seems Mai chose Andori. She had been stuck to his side, presumably before Y/N had even intervened outside. And, Andori seemed to like it. They whispered to each other throughout the entirety of the school, pointing things out about the place around them, and more prominently, the people. It was very interesting seeing how they played off each other, and helpful for Y/N seeing the two pick apart everyone within a 20 metre radius. Convenient for someone trying to figure out who might be a reincarnated villainess. Y/N already had their prime suspect.
Mai herself.

It was cliche, but, the world they were in were made up of cliches. Besides, a villainess who died, found a way out of their own game, and then back in, don't you think they would want to change their fate? What better way to do that then find a way to worm themselves into a life destined to have a happily ever after. Besides, there was just something a little too familair about this girl who didn't even have any official art.
Those eyes...
Speaking of, during her time with Andori, Mai's eyes would constantly slip over to Y/N as they walked. Even without looking, out of the corner of their eye they could see that golden glimmer peering over Andori's shoulder to them. It half made the undead want to turn and stare back, but no, they kept their eyes straight forward almost the entire time. This is the first day of the actual plot, they won't be caught so soon! At least that's what they hoped...


Due to the school's ludicrous amount of space, most students were able to get their own rooms. They were a little dusty... A little drab... But nothing a little money could fix! Makes you feel a little bad for the students coming from lower and middle classes.... No matter.

The tour was over and it was time for the students to get some much needed rest. A black mask was carelessly tossed onto a small cushioned on the floor, and a person slumped down on an adjacent pillow. They leaned back, using their arms as supports and stared at the ceiling giving a long dramatic sigh.
"That was so many people..." Y/N groaned. "And they all either acted like I was some terrifiying beast to be kept away from, or some circus attraction!" Voicing their complaints they brought their head back up to look at the boy who had just sat down opposite to them. Inbetween then was a small table with a doily in the middle. It was almost... Japanese? Maybe that was just due to how low it was, as well as the lack of actual chairs.
"You'll just have to get used to it I guess, there's a lot more students here then just my fellow newbies." Andori laughed. He crossed his legs over eachother elegantly, and leaned forward on the table. "Besides those complaints, how do you like this new setting?" The ravenet asked. His eyes were intent as he waiting for Y/N to answer. The same Y/N who was giving him an almost alien look.
"Even for your politeness... You asking me that first before going off about yourself is.... Weird," Y/N said, leaning away from the boy, "What are you getting at?" Laughing again, Andori leaned back.
"I guess you caught me..." He said, a fond smile adorning his lips. "To tell the truth, I was hoping to practice being... Shall we say, nicer? I plan on getting quite popular here and I'm going over different methods." He explained, his rosey eyes glittering.
"Methods like me?" Y/N asked, this time taking their turn to leaned forward. They pushed themselves off of their hands and let themselves practically fall forward onto the table, our cataching themselves before any damage could be taken. Crossing both arms over eachother, they layed their head down on their makeshift head rest.
"Wow, You really know me too well." Andori observed, he stared down at Y/N, his eyes shifting slightly, to an emotion Y/N couldn't place. Seems like in reality they didn't know him as well as he thought they did. A long silence hung between the two of them, a common characteristic of their conversations the two had both grown accustomed to over time.

"So, Miss.Adina, hm?" Y/N questioned, breaking the silence.
"What about her?" Andori said, giving them a strange look.
"Oh come on!," The [brunet(te), blond(e), ravene(te), ect.] exclaimed, "What do you think of her?" Andoru huffed, rolling his eyes.
"There's not much to think of her." He responded dully.
Y/N quirked their head to the side.
"I thought you were getting along pretty well?..." They muttered.
"Eh, I guess our conversation was a little less boring then others I've had... But really," He leaned over the table slightly, closer to Y/N, "I'm just using her to get more popular." His tone was playful, secretive, as if harmless gossiping with a friend. Y/N on the other hand gaped. That's not supposed to happen! Mai was suppose to catch Andori's attention because of how she was able to discern things about others so easily, he was supposed to see himself in her... At least if you picked the right dialog options in game, which, if they were in game, she definetly did!

Andori suddenly broke the small silence by laughing. He leaned back, using one hand to support himself similar to how Y/N had done previously, with the other hand splayed over his face.
"Oh- Oh come on Y/N!" He said through his laughter. He was able to suppress his cackling enough to form a more coreheint sentence. "You saw how everyone reacted to her when she entered the class! Practically stole everyone's hearts at first glance." He looked down at Y/N through his fingers, still giggling slightly. "She's the perfect piece to use to become popular." The ravenet had now completely calmed his laughter now. Letting his hand drop away from his face, he let out a content smile. "I haven't had a laugh like that for a while... I should've known it would be you to give it too me." When he looked to Y/N properly without his hand as a barrier he held a fond smile.
Opposite him, Y/N's brows were furrowed with worry.
"You're not at all intrigued by her?"

"No?.. not really, have I not made that clear by now?"

"At all. You're not even the littlest bit curious about her?"

"That's right."


"What?.., you think I'll like her more than you?," Andori teased, "Don't worry, you'll always be my favourite pawn."


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