•Super Y/N!• {Pt.1}

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'If I do have to step in, me being know as out of comisson is really helpful. There's basically no way anyone could link my outing back to me since everyone thinks I double dead for the moment.' Y/N thought to themselves as they laid in bed. The sun had long risen, and due undead not having the abilty to sleep unless at the point of exushtion, Y/N had been fully concious through out that time, weighing the pros and cons. To avoid suspicion, they had put themselves back in bed, tucking the blanket awkwardly under their chin once more, and had been laying there for several hours.  'But, if anyone notices I'm missing, and links that to a new guardian suddenly showing up, my cover as an unsuspecting undead would be totally blown open.' It was irratating, laying almost perfectly still, eyes closed, hoping they would suddenly hear the sound of squeaking bed springs and a blanket being thrown aside, Halim awake. But it never happened, not yet, at least. By sunset today, Y/N would only have one day before the attack were they could prepare the needed supplies and disguise. After a long time debating, Y/N had made a decision. If by night fall tonight Halim was still comatose, Y/N would go out and get the stuff they needed for the next day, whether or not they would truly use it or not. They hoped not.

With that, Y/N had a lot less to think about..and it was terrible. Afraid that someone could possible be around they kept their eyes shut, so although Y/N saw light through their eyelids, they had no idea what time it was other than day. The only thing they had other then their own thoughts was quiet visits from someone going over to Halim, checking on the girls condition. Like the previous visits, Y/N heard the door open followed by footsteps coming down the line of cots. Only this time, they didn't stop at Halim's bed. They got closer and louder, a slight click to them, and they eventually stoped just beside Y/N. The person emmited a quiet hum, as if in thought. Hearing the sublte shuffle of fabric, it seemed the person had turned away, that was until Y/N felt a light touch on their cheek. Instead of turning around, it seemed the person had in fact bent down. Their hand ran down the undeads cheek, stopping at the point of Y/N's chin. The contact was broken for a moment when they gently pushed a piece of [H/C] hair out of Y/N's face, and then their hand was gone. They stood back up, and left. If Y/N hadn't been so carefully rigid, they definetly would have flinchd at the intial contact, and now that the person walked away they let their muscles relax. Too early. The bed creaked and the person stopped walking. A tense silence ensued, broken when the footsteps began again, getting quieter as they got father away. The releif Y/N felt as they hear the door close was unprecdented. The smallest little thing had them practically sweating(that is, of course, if they were able to).
Thankfully, that was the only time anyone had aproached Y/N that day, even if the sound of the door made them nervous everytime Halim was visited now.

•Leave Me Out Of The Harem• {Various Yanderes X Gender-neutral Reader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang