•BookClub• {Pt.1}

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Many of the other tables quickly began speaking amongst eachother--however topics of books were far and few between--but the table where Andori was sat was oddly quiet. The reason being quite obvious. Sat stiffly across the table of the ravenet lord, was an absolute portrait of authority. Nearly every student at that table thought quite highly of themselves, many--even if they themselves don't even know it--thinking themselves better then most other teens there, with their noble status or impecible grades, who wouldn't? And so, with someone so clearly above them, they sat silent, unkowing what to say. Hushed as well, Polis Lasurem, crown prince of the kingdom, sat in all his glory. Purple eyes so dark they were nearly black glazed over the quiet table, as if waiting for someone to take a stand... And who more obvious to take the position then the opportunistic lord across from him. Leaning forward, Andori set both elbows on the table, linked his fingers together and rested his chin on the outside of his hands.
"So, your Highness... Between the legal endevers you aid in, and your studies, what sort of books do you spend your personal time reading?" Andori asked innocently, a calm smile on his lips. Meeting his gaze, Polis looked almost surprised at the attempt at conversation.
"...Histories mostly," He said after some time, his voice a little less rigid then speaking to the teacher, "I like to see what issues our predecessors have gone through, and how they conquered them." Letting out a small 'ah' Andori leaned back nodding.
"I see, I see, I'm not much of a history buff myself, but I have read a handful of epics." He said, adding his own position in. A couple of other students began to feel a little more comfortable as the tension of the table eased.
"I-I like to read about animals. All the different species and the differences that appear even in animals of the same family interest me." Declared a girl with short green hair farther down the table.
"I like aquatic animals." Added a boy with uncountable freckles who sat in the seat just one away from Polis.
Soon all the students became just as lively as the other tables. Proud of his work, Andori set his sights back on Polis after a small rest.

"So, you like history? You must have a favourite time period then." He observed.
"..are you asking which era is my favourite?" Polis returned dully with his own question.
"Yes." Andori partially wanted to scoff. 'obviously' This prince didn't seem very used to having a social life.
"Hm. Well..." Polis started, but paused for some reason. His dull cheeks flamed up a little and his head bowed slightly.
"Well?..." Andori pressed, genuinely curious due to the princes behavior.
"I suppose the dark ages of invention." The boy forced, fixing a piece of dusty plum coloured hair from his face which had fallen out of place.

Andori tilted his head. He remembered that being mentioned briefly in some history lessons. About 300 years ago, there was this terrible war, lasting more than a decade, in that time, inventors had made unimaginably powerful weapons. When the war had finally come to a close, the weapons were deemed too powerful to be allowed to exist, along with the weapons, much other technological advancement was halted and erased to avoid anyone being able to accidentally recreate the weapons. It caused a whole chunk of engineering in history to be wiped out. Interesting stuff... But it didn't make Polis any less of a liar.

"Forgive my insolence for thinking this, your Highness, but is there perhaps another era which you like more?" Andori questioned further, quieter than the previous time. Dull cheeks going slightly red, the prince shook his head no.

 "Not that I can think of..." He muttered lowly. 

 "Well I like-" Andori was cut off from continuing his conversation by the sharp voice of Mr.Kiern.

 "I think you've all had quite enough time, now its time to go over a review on what this unit will be covering." The man drawled, now sitting at behind his desk. Each student table was sat vertically down from the position of Mr.Kiern's desk, preventing the need for any students to have to fully turn around in their seats to watch the teacher, it did cause some problems in viewing all the students for the teacher, but he could deal with it. Lifting up a small sheet from his desk, Mr.Kiern replaced a pair of classes that had previously been tucked into his shirt pocket, gazed at it, nodded seeing it was the correct page, then waved his other hand over the paper. Letting go of the plan, instead of drifting back down to the desk, it started drifting up. It raised above everyone's heads slowly, floating to the middle of the area as it did, and when it was about five feet from even the tallest of students, it suddenly burst into pale blue flames. The fire spread over the students head, and quickly dissipated, leaving only large indigo scrawl plastered in the air. 

"To get into literature, we will be covering a peice if classical literature in groups. You have a choice between four(4) books. Once chosen those books, you will break off into groups of however many others chose that same book, and stay in those groups for the rest of the unit. You'll read in those groups, answer questions, and at the end of this unit, we will be doing a project about the book you've read. Any questions?" The teacher finished, placing his hands together on the desk. One student raised a hand. Pointing to them, Mr.Kiern made a gesture prompting them to speak.
"So... It's kinda like a book club?" They asked, lowering their hand. A few chuckled and whispers went around at the question. Rolling his eyes, Mr.Keirn nodded.
"I suppose so... Yes. Now, seeing that there doesn't seem to be anymore questions, I'll have someone from each table come up to get the paper with the books descriptions. They will then distribute that paper to the rest of the table, and bring back any extras." With that, Mr.Kiern pointed once at a time at a random person from each table. Everyone chosen--excluding some delinquent who didn't want to have to do what some else was telling them to do--did as instructed and eventually every student had a page detailing each of the books.

Looking over Andori's shoulder, Y/N saw that they were each different formats and genres. One, of epic poetry, another a theatrical tradegy, a collection of horror stories, and finally a love story. They each had a small illustration, likely alluding to the cover, above the title and author, and then a small blurb of summery like one might find on the back of the book. Andori spent careful time mulling over each description before lowering his page and setting his gaze back on Polis.
"What do you think you'll go for?" He asked.
"Ah...," The Prince gulped nervously, "I was actually thinking about 'The Rose Thorned Heart'" His voice was quiet, and he looked away in embarrassment. That was the romance book. Y/N thought it almost cute how the crown prince, someone who aided the king himself in matters that concerned the whole kingdom, someone respected a fear by many, was so embarrassed about wanting to read a love story. It also helped that like every otome love interest in existence, he was also unusually pretty. A sly smile swept across Andori's face for a minute, but was quickly wiped off to make sure Polis didn't think he was being laughed at.
"Hm, that does sound like a good one." The ravenet said as genuinely as possible. "The plot seems interesting, a nobleman falling desperately in love with someone from another world who wants nothing to do with him? Honestly sounds a bit more like a comedy to me, but it's likely just one of those... What do they call them, slowburns?" Andori chuckled to himself. A small smile crept into Polis' face as well. "Say, if you pick it, I will too. Maybe, if you'd like, we could even try taking about it separately from the group..," Andori offered," I know that a lot of the people will be girls who will just try to flirt with a handsome guy like you, having me around would save you the trouble."
Polis' cheeks flushed pink at the compliment, it seems like he wasn't much used to them...what with most people too afraid to speak to him. He had a reputation for being cold and unapproachable, but he just didn't know how to interact with people. Come to think of it, how he's acting now doesn't really add up, does it? Sure, Andori is charasmatic but... It takes more then that for someone's whole demeanour to change. It was probably about his preexisting embarrassment about the romance book.

I've seen something similar in other story's, so I thought I do it too! Some people have random daily questions, but I want mine to relate to the story

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I've seen something similar in other story's, so I thought I do it too! Some people have random daily questions, but I want mine to relate to the story... And also I don't think I want to do this all the time so... :

Questions 4U!
If you had to pick between those books, which book would you have picked? :
•The Rose Throned Heart - Romance
•13 Hours of Night - Short horror stories
•Tales of Wind and Sea - Epic poetry
•The Crown of Kings - Theatrical tradegy

I'll do these every couple of chapters, similar to the funfacts at the end of segments. You don't have to comment, but I'd like to to think about your answer, just for fun :)

~Your author

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