•Bulling Prevention Squad• {Pt.3}

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The favourite student of practically all the teachers at the school, the (close to) smartest in his year it not allyeats, the only son of the Duke VonSari... Tyie! He stood looming over the boy, who was still seated on the earthy ground. Even if the redhead knew... Or thought he was better than Tyie, he knew that lashing out against him would be inexcusable to many of the more important staff members. Dawning a nervous expression he unsteadily tried to stand up. Waving his hands At Y/N he began to explain ;
"W-well you see! Andori had his servant attack me!... I did nothing wro-..."
"Don't lie." Andori cut in harshly as he glared at the boy seriously.
"Do you have a different story, Lord Kio?" Tyie shifting his attention to the ravenet. One brow raised in ininterrogation or perhaps suspicion due to Andori's venomous tone.
"Yes, but, perhaps I should let someone else explain. We weren't for the beginning of this little altercation, so I think it's best to hear the story from the true victim...right, Ms.VonSari?" Andori said, his tone lightening as he spoke, calming down.
"VonSari?" The blue haired boy questioned, confused at his own name being mentioned before his eyes widened in realisation. Turning to look at where Andori was gazing, he saw a girl nearly identical to him standing off to the side with one blonde girl and boy slightly closer. "Sister!" Tyie cried, shoving past the boy to quicker get to his beloved kinsman. "Kalie, my star, are you alright?! Are you hurt?!" He interrogated, leaning down to the girl's height.
"I'm a little shook up, but I'll be okay." Kalie answered her brother, giving him a weak smile. She was soon engulfed in a hug, the taller boy easily encasing her in his arms. Just as Kalie was about to hug back, Tyie whispered.
"What happened?" He asked seriously. His tone held a coldness Kalie had heard very infrequently, but she knew it well enough to know what came next.
"It was the girl and the two boys..." She answered, now wrapping her arms around Tyie's torso. At this, the boy turned his head slightly to look at the girl next to the two who had been previously ignored. His glare sent icy shivers down her spine, and made her start to back away and run full speed away from the whole situation without any hesitation.


The thought was silently shared between both Tyie and Andori. Quickly following suite, the boy previously beside her two slipped off into other parts of the school.
"And Andori, what was his part in all of this?" He questioned his sister, more gently this time, his mood bettering slightly as the direct perpetrators had fled. Tyie pulled away, but let his hands continue to rest on Kalie's shoulders.
"Andori?... H-he saved me!.. perhaps that's too strong of a word, but he came to my aid, as well as Y/N." She answered, stumbling over her words. She looked over her shoulder to the two, her gaze soon followed by her brother.
"I see..," Tyie stood up, "I suppose that in this situation, I am in your debt."
"My.. debt?" Andori asked with an amused grin. "Is that so?"
'I'd never even try to help without Y/N.' He inwardly remarked, musing over his situation.
"Yes. Unfortunately. In return for helping my family, we in turn owe a favour of protection to yours." Tyie explained. Although he had a calm appearence, the way he wouldn't quite make eye contact, and the new found vibrancy of his dark cheeks showed Andori that the boy was quite embarrassed indeed.

"Our free time should be coming to a close soon, I believe you should start heading to your next class, Lord Kio." Tyie said, letting his hands fall from his sister's shoulders. They landed on his thighs and he pushed himself up to stand. "Good day to you," He curtly muttered his goodbye, "Go now Kalie, I have to escort this one down to the office." He offered a hand to the girl who easily accepted, letting her brother pull her up. Once standing, she received a small Pat on the head from Tyie. Before she turned to walk away, she turned towards Y/N and Andori. Dipping into a small courtsey, she addressed Andori.
"Thank you, Lord Kio." Raising before he could respond, she quickly walked away.
Tyie hooked an arm under the red haired boy's armpit, and dragged him up, swiftly beginning to walk in nearly the opposite direction from Kalie. The boy being dragged hissed in pain, but went without complaint.

As the three disappeared into two different directions, Andori turned to Y/N.
"It seems you were right to want to help, now I have a favor from quite possibly the entire VonSari family... You too I suppose." In response, Y/N tilted their head. "As property of the Kio family, you are, in a way, of a part of it." He explained. In response, Y/N hummed in displeasure at being called property. "Oh don't be like that..." Huffed the ravenet. Before any other partially one-sided debate could start, a the sound of a whimsical bell chimed through the school grounds.
"We should get to next period, need a good raport with the teachers after all." Andori sighed walking off to where-ever he believed the classroom he needed to go was. "In any case, we should probably let this be a one time thing, we may have gotten something useful out of it today, but if you see something like this again that we aren't already directly involved in... Don't drag me over. I doubt it will be worth it." He instructed, in a slightly playful tone, glancing over his shoulder once or twice during his little speech. Shrugging in response, Y/N gave back their vague answer.

Andori walked away from the grassy area feeling strangely bitter about the situation, despite the wonderful leverage he now had.

Andori walked away from the grassy area feeling strangely bitter about the situation, despite the wonderful leverage he now had

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°Fun Facts!°
•The author feels bad for making people wait this long for an update.

•Tyie has a distinct dislike of Y/N, one do to them being something 'belonging' to Andori, and two because they admittedly freak him out.

•Before Andori appeared at the scene, Kalie felt someone watching her.

•Andori, for some unexplainable reason, seems to have an odd dislike of Kalie.

•Tyie was raised to be rather prideful by his father, but he only lets that reflect in family matters.

•Kalie remembers seeing Y/N at the infirmary.

•The author had to re-read a sections from the previous chapters to make sure they didn't accidentally ret-con anything, because they forgot what was going on.


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