•Holiday Special•

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Happy holidays, and happy new years readers!
I'm so sorry for the late publish, this took much longer than anticipated.
As you might guess, this is non-cannon, which gives me a little bit of liberty to change parts of the story. For example, it's a bit more modern feeling instead of fantasy feeling, because I was feeling lazy, or, a little more importantly ; Y/N doesn't look quite as they usually do...

~The author

•(Only a little) Blood
•A horse gets hurt
•Grammer + spelling mistakes because this a very long chapter and I could not be bothered to even try to edit
•Delusional ass people
•Just general creepy behavior

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Through the darkness of sleep a voice drifted through,

"Come on, Y/N!"
Soon helped along by an incessent pushing.

"Your usually so on top of this...."
A sigh rung out in the room.
Y/N only began to rise from their sleep when they felt an incoming blow. Catching the incoming hand hastily, Y/N pulled the attacker forward slightly, ending up eye to eye with Andori. Uncomfortably close, if his sudden blush was any indication. He laughed nervously, pulling back when Y/N let go.

"That got you up quick..." He remarked, placing his hands on his hips.

"Yeah, sorry for grabbing your wrist like that?..." Y/N used their hand to rub their face, wiping the sleep from their eyes.

"It's fine, but get up, class starts soon." Although Y/N couldn't see it, they could hear the soft smile in Andori's voice. His voice got quiter as he walked away.
Sitting up in bed, Y/N couldn't help but feel that something was terribly off. And they sat for another good minute as they thought. And then they realised.
They were sitting up in bed.
They were in a bed!
Looking down they were even wearing pajamas!

Around them, the room seemed as normal, all the usual amenities in their usual places... Times 2. There was two of almost everything, two beds, two wardrobes, two changing screens, two bedside tables. There was only a few things that sat without a duplicate, a low table in the corner, the rug, a tall masked figure standing infront of the door.

Y/N's heart jumped when they saw the unfamiliar person, helping to wake them up. They wore a tidy suit of black and red, and dauned a strapless black mask. One Y/N recognised with sharp familiarity.

On the bedside table to the right of them, and closest to Y/N was a bright red envelope. Picking it up and flipping it over there was their own name in big flourished writing. Peeling off the golden wax seal on the other side, they opened the envelope to find three pieces of paper, picking out one, was a letter.

Dear Y/N.
Hello! As you may have noticed, some things are a bit askew, that's because this isn't exactly the world you're familiar with. Second time world hopping, wow! As you know, there's you're original world and life on earth, and you're life in Liren Gancil, but you have another where you never lived on earth! Really there's several but there's no need to get into that. In this demension you were born and raised here, and are a proper student! Cool isn't it?
As to why you're here, it's the holidays, and you could probably use a break, so I'm giving you one!
The other two notes are a profile of this version of you and your schedule. We wouldn't want you missing any classes, would we?

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