I've returned!

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Hello to all! I have returned. And I've made my decision.
I will be continuing this story as it has developed, without deleting any previous chapters, and only slightly altering the description to make it a little more fitting.
I will also potentially be starting to write a new story!... However that might be a little while into the future. I do want to write a new one, but I thought maybe I should focus on this one, and use that other story to take breaks when I'm having trouble writing this one. When I am making some progress with that, I'll make a little anouncment/ad about the new story to let you guys know.

In the meantime before I post more chapters, take have little more dump(?).


°A Guide to Being Undead°©

So, you just woke up in a new body, raised by necromancers in a strange and unfamiliar environment... And your dead! Scary, right? Well don't you fret because I'm here to tell you all about your new life!

Undead Distinction
When it comes to undead there are two official types(any others either don't qualify as undead or aren't stable enough to be used).

•Cairo Undead.
This classification is your run if the mill servant. Nothing special. Its energy comes from the necromancers that raised them and any residual energy or magic from the body(/bodies) they inhabit. They have approximately the same speed, strength and durability of an average human, but are unable to use magic at any level. But they are reliable.

•Siola Undead.
This classification is a much better version of its predisesor. Their energy comes from another Plaine of existence or dimension, weather thats just energy from the environment or from any actual living being on the other side. They are much faster, stronger and more durable than a Cairo undead, usually able to take down a trained guard without much training themselve's. They're also smarter... If you can call an undead smart. They're able to carry out tasks in a much more efficient manner, and can often problem solve along the way using things they've seen from people. Due to them leeching energy from another Plaine or person, this classification is able to use magic, but they have a limit to the spell levels they can get to set by the necromancers who raised them, weak necromancer, weak undead. Being able to use magic also gives them 'mana' a form of pure energy converted into magical force. A living person may start to feel or become ill with low mana levels due to over use, but an undead will often only become less efficient until they fall 'unconcious' due to having no more energy to live with. Their mana is what keeps them moving, so with low levels, they will being to cease to function.

(The day to day things)

It really depends from undead to undead, but it's very common for an undead creature to have better eyesight in the dark than their living counter parts, however, this can be a little harmful to their normal sight as the better they see in the dark, the more sensitive they are to light in general, which makes day to day a little inconvienent.

Many undead just simply do not have them. In the case they do, they are only used when necessary meaning an undead with lungs will not just be going around breathing everyday. Some circumstances where the lungs may be used are if a Siola Undead needs to recite a spell outloud for it to work, which requires talking which requires breathing, which requires lungs.
A pretty obvious note, but a note none the less, undead without lungs are unable to speak as that two requires air.

An undeads heart is just as important as any living things heart... Except it doesn't pump blood, instead it contains the energy an undead needs to continue existing. If the heart is destroyed, the undead 'dies' again, in a way. If it's a Siola undead, the spirit will cease to exist, if it's a Cairo, depending on how damaged the heart and body is, it can be repurposed in a new undead being. J̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶t̶w̶o̶ ̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶'̶s̶ ̶h̶e̶a̶r̶t̶s̶ ̶I̶ ̶k̶n̶o̶w̶.̶

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