•Bulling Prevention Squad•

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The clock ticked much too loud. The class was diligently copying down a paragraph from their science textbooks, so the constant scratching of 26 quills added onto the noise. A monotonous combination of noise only turned a certain [brunet(te), ravenet(te), blond(e), ect.]'s boredom into annoyance. Sure, the 5th grade or year six level learning they did at the school was convenient for gameplay that required the player to actually engage in school... But it was absolutely horrendous to have to sit through. At least there was a little about the animals of this world which was interesting. What was the excuse for the low learning level? Something about the world being vaguely placed around 16-19th century's so it would make sense for the school's to have a much lower learning level than average day?
Close enough.

Under the table, Y/N was constantly tapping their knees and fidgeting with their fingers.
'Remeber, without playing dead, you can't live. Without playing dead, you can't live.' Y/N repeated to themself as they burned a hole into the wall with their eyes.
'god... When is something interesting going to happen? I'd gladly sit in class if I could watch some drama unfold. So much for Cordelia being dead... I wonder, without the main romantic villainess existing, will the plot change to fit her dissaperence, or will someone else take her place?'
Continuing to tap their fingers against their leg impatiently, Y/N let their thoughts drift back to any potentially relavent information about the game they could remember. In the original story, the romantic plot started off with the crown prince and then went to Tyie and Andori, given this, all four were set in at least one class. Randomized.

This time, it was science. According to a rumor floating around the internet, the class you got at the start, could affect the rest of the game! There wasn't a terrible amount of evidence to support it, but it was an interesting theory. Part of it might be attributed to the character's skills. Depending on the character, they'll be better at some things, and worse at others. If the theory is or was correct, the language classes pertaining to literature is the hardest to start out with, because the villainess, Cordelia, was good at poetry. It gave her a leg up to both Tyie and Andori because of their 'attraction' to smarts, as it was described in the game. Y/N almost had to suppress a giggle imagining how Andori would feel knowing about the modern day school system...

Time seemed to be flowing unusually slowly as the undead tried to distract themselves with their thoughts. The ticking of the clock was steady and antagonizing as Y/N was forced to sit through the torturous near silence. Glancing down at Andori's page, it was almost completely filled, he seemed almost finished with his notes. Feeling eyes in him, Andori looked up, pink eyes locking with Y/N's milky [E/C] ones. Like understanding their boredom, he suddenly raised a hand. It took at least a full two minutes for the teacher to look up longer than just a glance, but eventually she called on him.

"Lord Kio, is there something you aren't understanding?" She asked monotonely, thin oval glasses sloping down the bridge of her nose as she spoke.
"Quite the opposite. I was simply wondering if there was anything to do once the students were finished as I was nearing the end of my notes." He said pleasantly. The woman pushed up her glasses, thinking.
"Well, unless you had any other ideas, I was under the impression you could simply wait for class to be over." She replied, looking back down at her plans.
"Ah... Well, I did have an idea, in fact." Andori stated, careful to keep his polite tone despite the older woman's bluntness. "As we are currently starting to go over common fauna, I thought perhaps it would be a fantastic opportunity for any quicker workers to go out an observe some animals around the school for themselves." He finished explaining. A few kids hummed at the suggestion, seemingly agreeing.
"With what supervision?" The teacher asked.
"Since Lord VonSari is present, as well as a very known and honourable student, I thought perhaps he could attend us." Androi said, then added, perhaps in an attempt to embarrass him, "if he has finished his work."
"As a matter of fact, I have." The blue haired boy responded sternly. He flipped the small notebook he was using shut quickly, making a loud snapping sound. The noise made Tyie realise his behaviour, and his once subtly sour expression, turned soft an apolegetic. "Apologies." He muttered quickly.
"Sounds like we have a plan! You don't have any objections now, do you?" Andori asked. Despite the input from Tyie, his eyes never left the teacher at the front of the room. She seemed uncomfortable with his gaze, and sighed as she finally gave in.
"I suppose there's no harm in letting you reign free for a while..." She responded. A few of the students cheered quietly at her acceptance, but we're quickly hushed. "Don't think this will be a usual occurrence." She said sharply. Many students stood up eagerly, pushing asides their books.
"And no student is allowed out if this room without proving to me their notes are up to it above expectations." She added. Most students quickly picked their books up and hurried to the front of the room to show the teacher, many being sent back. Some students even sat down before even trying since they knew they would be sent away. Andori had stayed seated as everyone went by, waiting to see how many people would leave as well as waiting to be last. Only as the last students left the class room, did Andori stand, Y/N shadowing him. He flipped the booklet open infront of the teacher for her to scrutinize. 

 "That's... Actually quite advanced, Lord Kio, and as much as I admire your wish to learn, I'd appreciate it i you stuck to the lessons I give you." She said, imoressed. " Off you go then." She waved her hand dismissively, looking back to her own work. A proud smile drew on the ravenet boy's lips, he glanced at the undead behind him before slipping past them to leave the classroom.

 A proud smile drew on the ravenet boy's lips, he glanced at the undead behind him before slipping past them to leave the classroom

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