7. baby, i'm never gonna leave you

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WHAT DO YOU do when the memory of someone you so desperately want to forget never stops pestering you, like a disease? Because that's what Aaron Warner does to me

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WHAT DO YOU do when the memory of someone you so desperately want to forget never stops pestering you, like a disease? Because that's what Aaron Warner does to me. He never stops showing up in my mind, with those green eyes, the soft lips, his beautiful words and amazing hair.

He's everywhere, I mean it. I see him everywhere. Ever since Castle and Adam suddenly revealed their knowledge of my past, I can't stop worrying about what might happen. What might happen if I somehow accidentally upset one of them and they decide to use one of my biggest secrets against me.


I turn around, watch as Brendan and Winston make their way towards me. Brendan's smiling—as per usual—and Winston looks like he hasn't slept in days. Also a normal thing to expect from him.

"Hi," I smile. "What's up?"

"Was going to ask you the same thing," Brendan says, sitting down next to me. Today we're going on a supply mission—a mission I haven't been on in about a year. "You look a bit grumpy."

I shake my head. "I'm not, don't worry."

"You'd tell us if something was bothering you, right?" Winston adds, sitting on my other side.

And even though I nod, a tiny pit forms in my stomach. "Of course,"

Brendan sighs. "I'm just glad Juliette's awake. She's coming with us, did you know that?"

My entire body lifts and my lips rise into big smile. "No! How come you guys never told me? I would've visited her."

Winston gives me a look. "Mara, you can't make paper flowers for everyone that wakes up in the med bay."

"Says who, Mr Never-Sleeps?"

Winston playfully smacks the back of my head.

"Abusive ass," I mumble.

Someone whistles.

"All right, everyone," Kenji calls out, hands cupped around his mouth. "Everyone take a seat, okay? We're doing another orientation for those of you who've never done this before, and I need all of you to get settled for a bit." He scans the crowd. "Right. Yeah. Everyone just take a seat. Wherever is fine. Lily—you don't have to—okay, fine, that's fine. Just settle down. We're going to get started in five minutes, okay?" He holds up an open palm, fingers splayed. "Five minutes."

I raise my arm and call his name. When he looks back at me, he smiles, waving at me. I wave back.

Isaac couldn't join us today—Castle made him stay to train a few kids who are still trying to figure out their powers. I know he was disappointed, he said he's been looking forward to coming on this mission because of what he'd be able to show Juliette. Honestly? I think he's totally into her, but then again, she's with Adam and clueless in the cutest way. Also, even though Isaac's super bold and stuff, I doubt he's the type to ruin a relationship just 'cause he likes her. But, hey, what do I know? I could be wrong. Eh. That doesn't sound right—I'm most likely correct.

Mastermind, Aaron Warner Where stories live. Discover now