18. we never go out of style

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oh my gosh please listen to "she" by harry styles whilst reading this

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oh my gosh please listen to "she" by harry styles whilst reading this

MY HEART IS pounding violently in my chest. I think I might die if I don't find out if Kenji's okay soon.

The girls—Sonya and Sara—rushed him away to the med bay as soon as they saw he wasn't breathing. He wasn't okay and I know it's my fault. I could feel it. Something inside of me was stolen the second Kenji interfered and I still don't understand what it is.

Until I figure that out, I've been asked to leave. Everyone has. I don't know where Isaac and Juliette are, but I presume they're in his room because I'm in ours and I'm the only one here. The girls are trying to help Kenji and Isaac was panicking the second he dropped to the ground.

There's a knock at the door and I stop tapping my legs in anxiety. It's a bad habit I've possessed for years now. I just can't stop thinking about Kenji and how desperately I want to be there. I know exactly why I can't be, of course. Sonya and Sara told me that some kind fire erupted in his chest. A fire erupted in his chest. It doesn't even sound real nor possible. It sounds like some elaborate joke someone made up to make me feel bad about my powers. And that's the thing—I've never not trusted my abilities. I had so much time on my hands to train myself as best I could before I came to Point, and tonight my powers have been my biggest enemy. I should've known. Anger is my trigger and I should've known that. I caused a literal fire in his chest with my power of the element of fire. How though? I never meant to.

Another knock that makes me jump. I was completely lost in my thoughts and forgot someone's at the door. I clear my throat and get to my feet. Try to calm myself down as I walk to the door and turn the handle.

I stop a gasp from escaping. "What are you doing here?" I'm so glad you're here I'm so glad you're here I'm so glad you're here I'm so glad you're here.

"I had to see you," Warner's chest falls and rises and falls and rises. "I couldn't leave without seeing you first."

"You're leaving?" Another lump in my throat as I open the door even wider, allowing him entrance. He passes me and I close the door behind me, the only light in here now the dim bright grey LED's on the ground, glued to the lower walls.

"I have to," he says to me. "I can't stay here anymore."

"Can you just stay a little longer?" My words slip from me faster than I gave them permission to. "For me?" I don't know where these words are coming from and which tree I plucked them from but they sound so right and wrong at the same time.

Aaron's head cocks to the side and he asks me, "You don't believe what happened to Kishimoto was your fault, do you?"

My eyes begin stinging. I've tried so hard to please everyone but now no one's happy. And it's my fault.

Aaron moves towards me before I can stop him. He wraps his arms around me, one around my lower back and the other one gently cradling my head. I lean into his chest, smelling that familiar scent of his: apples and old books. It's the only way I can describe it. That alone is enough to make my tears spill from my eyes.

Mastermind, Aaron Warner Where stories live. Discover now